As with many in this instable hours in my regular job were cut. That mandated looking for a 2nd part-time job. A friend talked me into applying at another place part-time. I did, and got the job (so now have 2 jobs).
I have to share with you how pleasantly surprised I was in the 2nd job that (consisting of 14 females) we all got along so splendidly well and became fast friends. Have not been with such "positive-minded" people in a long, long time and it was/is so refreshing.
One of the new ladies (as I also was) was so overwhelmed one day (there's a LOT to learn and a totally different, a very old DOS computer system) that she broke down and cried. We ALL not only went to give her a hug, but next day many of us had given her a vase full of flowers or a poem or more hugs or a card letting her know we were thinking of her. Obviously, this was a place where people cared about one another. How refreshing!!!
This same "newbie" - a week later had to go on "phones" (it's scary, especially the first time). She received (on her third call) what we call a "promise" (which adds points and $$ to the individual's pay-cheque). When we heard that - we ALL stopped what we were doing, stood up, clapped and congratulated her. It was a $20 promise, she said, but it was her FIRST.
Also, my very first time to stay late I was surprised to see that the supervisor (also a female) walked each and every one of us to our cars and made sure our cars started. Have to tell you - have never worked at such a place before.
The atmosphere is so, so POSITIVE. I have and had been in many negative situations - situations where I had to "explain myself" (have come to the conclusion that either one accepts me for who I am or they can go find another "friend"), or have had to "explain this and that and WHY I did things this way and NOT the way THEY do things". This was a heavenly change from what I had known in my life (of course, I have this great PEACE within my family, but it was the very first time I had such acceptance from new friends and co-workers). My 2012 New Year's Resolution is to keep far, far away of negative people and to seek out the friendship of positive, illuminating people.
One day I came in wearing a really nice Indian (from India) blouse that my friend Rubi had given me - several of the ladies came up to hug me and say "Just wanted to hug you and let you know how pretty you look today".
All 14 ladies and I get along well. One lady even insists we call her "Mom" (and she's 20 yrs. my junior!). But to be with such upbeat, positive people has definitely changed my life and has even changed the way I am when I come home to my dear family. One of the ladies accidentally hit a deer on her way to work. Our first thoughts were "Are YOU OK?" Thank God, she was. Then there was the bad news that it would cost $5,000 to repair her car. What would you do if your sister was in this situation? We asked her what we could do (after the insurance deductible) to help her rent a car to/from work until her car was fixed.....we passed the hat. And as I am her "Secret Santa" (each employee draws the name of another employee, buys a gift within a certain monetary range and must keep out identity secret).....I intend to buy her some deer whistles for her car as she travels a great distance daily to/from work and we do live in DEER country!
How we treat others really matters. We can TELL them how to live their lives or we can also let them live their lives as they choose and be there to support them if they fall or have difficult times.
I am very, very blessed in work, family and friends.
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