Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Il Divo - Unbreak my Heart and MORE......

Enjoy and continue on to see other You Tube videos they have made - we LOVE them - One is Spanish, another French, another Swis, another American - as a group they sing heavenly!

Don't Worry Be Happy - Bob Marley

Enjoy all!!
Still searching for an old friend in what was then Hong Kong - stayed w/ a very nice Chinese family - one of the members was named "Antero Kaw" (the family went by "Kaw", also "Kho" and there were other names according to dialect).  He was born in (more or less) January 1952.  He attended Royden House in Thailand.  He is a good guy and I pray to find him (especially as his sister, Anita, has also joined me in searching for him). 

I have tried many, many ways to try to find him.  Sadly, nothing turns up.  There is a dark feeling in my heart that he "went" to a place of "substance abuse" and perhaps could be lying homeless or could have passed long, long ago - but I try to have HOPE and not reduce my search to such negativity.  Have asked his sister to try Police (Hong Kong Police is excellent for finding lost persons and/or keeping records).....or Salvation Army (with hopes he might be in a "shelter".  A Methodist minister also gave me a contact in HKG to try to find him.

Thus far - it is as if he disappeared off the face of the earth and I am so saddened!  I last spoke to him in 1997 - from out phone in Florida - my husband and I both talked to him.  If anyone knows of his whereabouts - please help us (his family and our family) find him.  If he is in a bad state, we don't care....we will try to assist in any possible way.

Azores Power Point Show

Let's hope this comes through:

Everything that USED to be bad is now good....

Coconut oil!  For years it had a horrible reputation as raising cholesterol.....BUT, that was way before they figured out there are two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL - coconut oil DOES raise cholesterol, but the GOOD kind!

Have been reading many articles that coconut oil can keep Alzheimers "at bay" (from progressing further) and can even reverse some symptoms of the dreadful disease - just 2 Tablespoons of it daily. 

Bacon USED to be "off limits" as were nuts, avocadoes, etc.   NOW reports say nuts and avocadoes are GOOD for us.