Friday, February 15, 2013


What would our lives be without our sweet Delly?????  She is the sweetest little angel (and has gradually helped us to get over losing our sweet Billy).

CANNOT even believe that anyone would THROW this sweet girl (and her puppy, Chippers) in a "high kill shelter" in Arkansas.  Who could throw this sweet gal (and if I show you a photo of her puppy, you'll go GOO-GOO-GAH-GAH!!) away????  Thankfully - gracias a SWEET foster-Mum named Cora - both Delly & Chipper were fostered until a good home was found - we definitely fell in love w/ Delly and adopted her.  Cora has many dogs (her own and fostered) and her own doggies are getting UP THERE in years, so she decided to adopt "Chipper" - Delly's pup.  Chipper is now BIGGER than her Mum (We think the "father" must've been a big Yorkie - just guessing).

AND - can you believe this BRAVE girl FLEW on American Airlines from Little Rock, AK to Chicago to Rochester, NY??  There she was in her cage when we went to get her - a little scared (I would've been TOTALLY scared no knowing WHERE I was going or why I was in a cage in an airline!).....she licked Laxmi's hand and was our baby ever since.  That was October, 2012 - she has since decided she loves PAPA the most - and that's OK - we all love her and she's a joy and blessing to our lives

Her antics are so, so cute - she likes to pose as a WOODCHUCK and can stay that way for 20-30 minutes - we never taught her that.  She loves CLOTHES (sweathers, coats, etc.) but....if she gets too warm, she knows how to take them off!!  If she is cold - she will grab the baby blanket (the one she knows is hers) in her teeth and cover herself - what a riot!!

She brings us constant JOY and we LOVE her so, so much!!!

What would be ENOUGH???

We met a retired real estate agent who stopped me each an every time (sometimes I really try hard to run away from her!) that the NEW owners of the Bed & Breakfast are making money "hand over fist".  Well, I am happy for them, most honestly I am.  I did the best I could, failed, and moved on to something else.

Nando asks sometimes "Do you want to start another B&B?"  "No way!" I reply.  It wasn't that I didn't love 99.9% of the clients (I did!) but there were the ones who just could not be pleased no matter what.  A very drunk couple decided to make love in the shower but didn't want the WATER to bother them, so.....they turned the shower faucet to the FLOOR - "tick, tick, tick" the water began to leak downstairs.  We had a horrible leak and ended up pounding on their door (which we hate to do).  Our handyman said "I'll fix that! - I'll make it so they can't turn it to the floor" - but what happened???  We got complaints that the ladies' hairdo was all messed up THANKS to our COULD move - it just couldn't move to the floor.

And then there was the nasty lady who left her dirty sanitary napkins IN the bed - too lazy to use the trash.  AND the spoiled brat who because he didn't get to change the dates to his wishes (we were sold out the night he wanted to switch to) used our towels to CLEAN his muddy, dirty shoes. 

I hear the current place has flat-screen TV's in each room (some smaller than others) - but is it EVER enough??  We used to get people who ate out and wanted to keep their food in our fridge - NO PROBLEM.....but then they complained because the room didn't have a microwave to reheat the food. 

No, I don't miss the ones who could never be pleased.  The ones we LOVED - are STILL friends with us and we still love them.

I have no hard feelings; I've moved on to a different life with more time for my husband and daughter.  She and I play "What's the Word" games daily and we have also "downsized" our house to represent more of what WE want to keep, not what others want us to keep.

Life goes on, yes it does!


Hoping you all know the meaning of the word "egregious" as in "what an EGREGIOUS (outrageous) statement!"

Some people open their mouths and make egregious statements.  They don't THINK of the consequences their words may have on others.  Sometimes these statements FESTER over the years because initially one cannot believe such a statement was made - we try as humans to "forget/forgive" but eventually those egregious words come back and smack us like a huge slap.  Usually, it is 5-7 years later but we VOICE it out - and then we are told "oh, didn't know you KEPT A GRUDGE so many years!!!" 

From TODAY - I vow I will not be manipulated by other human beings, no matter how much they claim to be my "friend".  If they make an egregious statement, I vow to now say "That remark was EGREGIOUS!!  Do you realize how it hurt me?  Are you prepared to continue our friendship or end it?  How important is it to you to make that hurtful statement?"

We have always been the type of neighbour/friend that (no matter what past hurts there were) if we were called at 11:00 p.m. to help move someone's husband off the floor where he fell (half expecting we might have to call an ambulance, but pleased he was only just SHOCKED and we were able to put him to bed).....we GO without question.

Those who don't believe in God - I guess you won't have to "answer" to anyone about your life and how you lived it.  We happen to believe in God very much and strive our present lives to be good and an inspiration.  Actually, I haven't figured out how athiests they believe that when they die that's IT - that's the END??  They were just born to die and that's it??  I have a good friend who is an athiest and I often wonder (as she is much older than I am) what she thinks about her END (and we ALL go to that point!).

Try not to make an egregious statement to anyone - it cannot be taken back.  Once I heard a story about a woman who loved to "gossip" - she was Catholic and went to her priest to ask how she could stop gossiping.  He told her to gather a bunch of feathers on a windy day and take them to the centre of the market square and set them down.  "But they ALL blew away!!!" she exclaimed to the priest.  "Yes, alas, that is what they do and once gone, there isn't a way to retrieve them".