Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Not so nice.....

A really dear friend of ours (also happened to be our Veterinarian) died in his sleep 2 years ago from heart attack.  He didn't drink (to excess) didn't do drugs - he was just an angelic guy who also would help those in need (spaying/neutering cats/dogs for free or low $$ for those who could not afford).

We knew his wife really well - it was a romance one could've written a book upon.  He was divorced, so was she - they met about 7 years ago (yet they were high school sweethearts) - she became (over the years) a 1940's type Band Swing singer - she happened to go to a charitable event and they REMET - turned out they had ballroom dancing in common - they married and would've lived "happily ever after" but he had a heart condition and died in his sleep (how saw we felt for his wife).

When someone asked me "Oh, wasn't he the drug addict vet? " I felt true rage - they didn't know him at all, nor did they know his wife.  I ALSO have a heart condition (had a MASSIVE heart attack in 1998) and I sure as heck don't want someone to say  "Oh yeah, wasn't she a drug addict or SOMETHING?"

We still miss him and still pray for his wife - they were GOOD people!  She is still alive and we wish her rainbows and LOVE in the future.  

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