Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hritek Roshan, Arjun Rampal, Akshay Kumar Look-Alikes found in the Azores

OK, OK - at first it was just a strange "coincidence" that a MILKMAN in the Azores looked exactly like Bollywood star Hritek Roshan:
What are the chances of meeting a duplicate of Hritek Roshan???
Then it was the pizza guy - in the Parque Atlantico of Punta Delgada.....he looked like a really YOUNG Arjun Rampal!!!
But the really WEIRD coincidence was when we boarded our SATA Airlines flight to fly from Ponta Delgada to Boston. All 3 of us (my sis isn't "into" Bollywood, so she said nothing) said (when a flight attendant came down the aisle) "We KNOW this guy!! Where do we know him from? He looks SO FAMILIAR!!!! Why do we know a flight attendant from SATA??" The facial expressions, the smile, the profile - then one of us said "Akshay Kumar!!!" and sure enough it was his DOUBLE: So now we wonder.....does Hritek Roshan realize he has a DOUBLE in Furnas, Sao Miguel, Azores? Does the milkman in Furnas know he is an exact replica of a Bollywood star named Hritek Roshan? Does Arjun Rampal know he has a DOUBLE in Punta Delgada, Azores selling pizza?? And does the young man selling pizza in Punta Delgada realize he is a mirror-image of a Bollywood star named Arjun Rampal? Does Akshay Kumar know he has an identical TWIN working as a flight attendant on SATA Azorean Airlines?? And does the flight attendant on SATA know he could pass (even his speech and mannerisms are the same) for a Bollywood star Akshay Kumar?? Amazing world we live in!!

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