Thursday, August 15, 2013

Azores oh how we love YOU!!!

Dear Azores - we LOVE you with all our hearts and it IS our WISH (all 3 of us) that should we die/perish - we want our ashes to PLEASE be sent to the Azores and set free anywhere there - we LOVE the land, the PEOPLE - all are special and we will keep returning to the Azores until the day we perish. If you want to hear a really great "fado" singer - look up Paolo Linhares (from Azores) and also from USA (but Azorean)- Chico Aviles. Actually we DON'T really want to be here - we WANT to return to Azores as often as we can - and God willing - if we win the LOTTO - we want to buy a house there and RETIRE there!! - I think they have the right idea about elders - at age 60 one qualifies to be a SENIOR and qualifies for free government doctors/hospital/dentists.....why CAN'T this be possible in such "civilized" nations as USA??

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