Sunday, September 1, 2013

How could I possibly have forgotten these photos of Azores???

There were TOO many "cool" things we saw in Azores - one was a statue to a dog (the Azorean cattle dog) - this was in Vila Franca do Campo - forgot to take photo ourselves so sorry if we stole another photo:
Also we didn't take a "decent" photo of a local flower called "roca de velha" which is indigenous to the islands:
AND how could we forget a photo of GRILLED octopus (mmmmmmmm! can still taste it!!!)
AND - even more FLORA:
THEN - there were the tiles over the houses - so special - each house had a display of tiles over it's door to represent a particular "saint" or patron - it was so, so beautiful, really:
And then there is the "GHOST HOTEL" - a hotel built about 3 decades ago but the builders did not realize the hotel would be perpetually "in the clouds" and thus it would RAIN every single day. They went bankrupt and it is so, so EERY to pass by this ghost hotel in Sao Miguel:

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