Thursday, September 26, 2013

It is NEVER ENOUGH.......

In my next life I would like to come back as a dentist or dental hygienist. Why??? So I can tell people how miserably they've failed (in spite of multi-daily brushing, flossing, even using periodontal brushes) and tell them they need to take better care of their teeth. Let's face it - if modern dentistry really "worked" (I know my husband and I have ALWAYS flossed, brushed, used periodontal brushes) then none of us would have dental problems if we "followed orders" - and most of us do. Modern dentistry is a complete failure. There is no "miraculous way" to keep teeth from building up tartar or from having to get a root canal procedure. At best, modern dentistry is just a "warning sign" on a highway....doesn't mean you won't have an accident - it's just to warn you that you probably WILL have an accident. It's also the only "medical" field where one (as a dentist) can sit back and judge people (instead of admitting they really don't have a cure for dental decay) "oh, you didn't floss enough!" "oh, you didn't brush enough!" "oh, you didn't use those periodontal insert brushes enough!" - it's the only "medical" profession where the patient is ALWAYS to blame....even if they stringently follow every rule the dentist gives is always "never enough" and consequently - the patient either gets a decay or an infection and then the dentist can go back and say that the patient wasn't trying hard enough. It's a very self-righteous profession and judgmental one. In spite of the hundreds of years passing since dentistry became a medical profession - there isn't one single "break-thru" cure to keep teeth from decaying. I have a family member whose entire upper teeth were covered in porcelain years ago - she is FANATICAL about brushing, flossing, using periodontal brushes in-between teeth. In a period of 24 hrs. I have seen her floss or brush maybe 50% of that time in a day. YET - she told me she had to go for a root canal. WHY??? How much more could she have CLEANED her own teeth?? She was a fanatic and still is about cleaning her teeth. But dentists will never tell you "in spite of all I tell you to do - there is NO CURE for decay in teeth, so you're eventually going to either have a root canal or tooth extraction or both!" One of our friends TOLD the dental hygienist "Really, so if I do ALL the things you tell me I must do: brush 3 times daily, floss 3 times daily, use periodontal brushes in-between teeth 3 times daily, then my teeth will never have problems?" "Well, er, no that doesn't they'll never have problems, just that they will be less likely to have problems". "Really? So then why come to you at all?" "Because we help keep your teeth clean!" "Any you are admitting then that no matter how hard I try to clean my teeth I cannot CLEAN them properly, so that's why I come to you?" It is the one medical profession whose first words start (blaming the patient, always) as "You DIDN'T......." or "You SHOULD HAVE....." Why don't dentists just admit that there is no cure for tooth decay. Cleaning helps, but only postpones the inevitable. We humans weren't meant to live beyond age 40 in olden times - and now we have 60, 70, even 80-year old teeth and they (dentists) don't have a clue how to help us.

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