Saturday, February 15, 2014

Until the day I die.....

I will PROMOTE tourism to the Azores and SATA Airlines until the day I perish this earth. The volcanic islands are beautiful (waterfalls, hot springs, beaches - but not pink, sandy ones - volcanic ones, hills crystal-clear lakes, neat cottages with red-tiled roofs). STREETS that are made from volcanic rock and sidewalks that have designs using volcanic rocks patterned with white rocks to make beautiful, natural designs. Restaurants (and not so expensive) where you can eat fish and seafood to your heart's desires and a dessert of "maracujá bavaroise" (passion fruit mousse).
Crime???? Almost non-existent! Many folks do not even lock their doors at night. Local TV - it's lovely - they run so many messages against DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (don't you wish our TV stations would too??) and against "DISCRIMINATION" (against ALL: gay, other nations, other religions, etc.) - and local people are very "worldly" although in an isolated place. Azoreans found out that certain "entrepreneurs" in China were selling "fashion jewelry" of LIVE turtles, fish or other creatures enclosed in a PLASTIC sack to WEAR and they were FURIOUS (as we all should be!!!) Here is a photo of these disgusting "fashion accessories":
I've asked that my ashes be shed there when I pass this world - cannot think of any other place I would rather have my ashes go. POSSIBLY, SATA airlines (after all the GOOD things I've said about them) would do this favour for me if my husband and daughter cannot fulfill the last desire.... Met only ONE person in ALL of Azores who was cocky & semi-rude......and he boasted that he had an American passport and grew up in New England. Everyone ELSE was so, so kind. It's like I have a HUGE "secret" that I cannot contain.....forget EVERY OTHER TRAVEL destination - Azores will fill all your needs....unless you are a type who needs CONSTANT that case, stay home and play on your IPOD or IPHONE.

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