Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fido heck of a dog!

     Fido Zobrist must have been one heck of a good dog!  When he died in 1913 at the age of 13 years and nine months, his heartbroken owner sprang for a four-foot cast-zinc monument to his dear, departed pug, complete with his life-size likeness on top and loving words ("Papa's Boy" and the like) decorating the sides.  Whatever it cost, bear in mind that Fido's owner had already earmarked $10,000 (which in 1913 you could add two ZERO'S to in dollar WORTH!) in his will for the dog's care fearing he would die before his pet.  Heading south on Route 96A from Geneva, NY, take a right onto East Lake Road.  Within a mile or so, you'll see Fido's marker on the right, at the head of the Sunset Bay cottage road leading down toawd Seneca Lake. 

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