Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Sweet, Sweet Pigeon.....

Nando rescued a pigeon who had been kicked by some bad boys and also tossed by a vehicle.  He is kind in that way.  We always have a spare "birdcage" (just in case) ....and we've rescued starlings, squirrels and more.  So Nando went back to put the pigeon into the cage.  That very afternoon we joined a Pigeon Forum to ask WHAT TO DO (we'd never cared for a pigeon before). 

The folks at the Pigeon Forum were sensitive and intelligent - they asked us to photograph the bird, its poop, etc.  They KNEW a lot by all these photos.  One of the senior members said that there would have been far more pigeon poop if the bird were healthy...he guessed the bird had internal injuries from abuse.

I fell in love with this beautiful pigeon and here is his photograph as held by our daughter:

Isn't he BEAUTIFUL???  Look at the colours - only God could have possibly designed such unique colours.  We did everything we were told to do by the Pigeon Forum food-wise.  Next morning, he was DEAD.  We all sat down and cried and cried and cried.  Many people cannot fathom such grief over a "street bird" - that's THEIR problem.  We gave him a very nice burial and I still cannot believe he's gone.  The people in that Pigeon Forum were so, so kind and loving to us.  Even when we told them he died during the night they THANKED us again and again for having given him a good last night in a very LOVING home!  Ahimsa (non violence to any living being) is a vow we have taken as Hindus.  I STILL grieve this bird, some two months later! 

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