In the early 1970's President Allende (a leftist) was ELECTED by the people of Chile to be President. There were interviews with then President Nixon saying that with "Castro in charge of Cuba and Allende in Chile - it was a Communist 'sandwich' to which ALL nations in the middle would become". President Nixon and the American CIA determined Allende must GO and they backed a coy dictator named "Pinochet" - who in 1973 (with ample training from U.S. CIA) claimed Allende committed suicide (not likely); He took over Chile in 1973 and remained dictator there until 1998.
Meanwhile in 1973 Chilean Pinochet supporters rounded up all opposition leaders and professors and liberals or anyone who have "influence" - and their families and tortured them brutally (women especially were brutally raped and given electric shock treatments). THEN there was an "Operation Condor" in which Chilean Air Force flew cargo planes over the the ocean - each "prisoner" (having been through tortured at one of five detention camps) was blind-folded and had his/her hands tied behind him attached to a HEAVY metal bar (that would sink). When the "green light" was deployed - the pilot would "open the hatch" to let all these people fall to their deaths in the ocean. Roughly 3,500 died in the ocean, by torture, buried in mines, etc.
I am learning so, so much about Central and South American politics but what disturbs me most of all is the role the American CIA had in all of this. I suppose their policy at the time was "ANYONE is better than a Leftist or Communist" - but they trained these opponents to become brutal killers and torturers.
Even in CHAD - U.S. CIA interfered and helped Dictator (a cruel, cruel man!) : Hissène Habré become elected. He had a penchant of cruelty of the worst sort. In the presence of middle-aged women - he and his cohorts came upon a village from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. - all the women were raped and injured - but saddest of all was the 90 year old lady of one of the women - not only was she RAPED (and all others forced to watch!) but she had her eyes blinded by lit cigars.
We always think we can "learn from our historical mistakes" - but we are already in 2011 and these events still take place around the world - we ALL know where!
It makes me wonder how such torturers can sleep, eat or live - yet, they do! The main torturer in Chile was so complacent he just ate his meal (while being interviewed) and said "Oh yes, the electric shocks go HERE, Here and There" - I will not repeat the body parts where he said they were applied. Can't believe someone can/does admit to doing this - eats his MEAL while being interviewed and "doesn't seem to have a problem with that".
My Parents were sent to Germany with the State Department. One story that was passed down from my Mum was about a trip my parents made to Baden-Baden. They went to a restaurant to eat. My parents looked at a lampshade that was quite unusual.....not knowing the material, my parents asked the Manager "what material is this lampshade made from? I've never seen anything like it in my whole life". The Manager SMILED (remember this was told to me second-hand) remorselessly and said PROUDLY "Oh, Sir, these lamps (there were others) are made from the SKINS of Jews!" My father vomited right there and then and they decided this was NOT the restaurant they would like to eat at. I often wonder if that restaurant is still there and if those hideous lamps are still there.
People often say of people who behave cruelly "Oh, they behave like ANIMALS!!!!" - as an Animal defender, I say NO - I will not cannot accept that - these people do NOT behave like animals - they act like torturers, criminals and terrorists - animals CARE about their offspring. Even wild stallions who combat over "territory" do so in a quite civilized manner. No ANIMAL I know would torture their prey - some might decide to EAT an impala or bird - but they do not TORTURE them for cruelty's sake beforehand.
Wow - what a world we live in!!!
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