Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How Could Anyone With Intelligence Go With the Republican Party?

The two major players in political parties are the Democratic Party and Republican Party.  President Obama is of the Democratic Party.  I listen day after day (as next year is a Presidential year) to the rhetoric of the Republican Party and cannot believe what I'm hearing.

One Republican candidate wants to lower taxes for corporations so that more jobs open up.  If you look at a state like Nevada which already has the lowest corporate taxes of USA....the job unemployment rate is at was at 14% when President Bush was in office.  So we know that "strategy" doesn't work.  Moreover, almost every Republican is backed by a huge corporation who (in exchange for paying for multi-million dollar campaign ads) in turn expect "favours".

Moreover - they try to "appeal" to the conservative Christian vote by talking against abortion and gay marriage.  Listen, these are very private, individual decisions that should not be allowed to be discussed in the political realm..

Worst of all - I have yet to meet a Republican who believes in Global Warming.  If anything, they have Sarah Palin's words (referring to crude oil drilling) of  "Drill, baby, drill!!!" - at any impact to our environment.  If Republicans don't believe in Global Climate do they account for melting ice at the polar caps or rise in sea levels?

We had 8 years of a Republican (Bush) in the White House and he is the one who led us down this economic path to begin with.

Republicans have "problems with" letting those Americans who make $400,000 or more per year pay higher taxes.  Duh.....that is because almost all the CEO's of these giant corporations (who control the strings of Republican candidates) make over 1-100 MILLION dollars annually.  So of course the Republican Party doesn't want their "friends" to be taxed at a higher rate.

Then there are the Republican candidates who claim God has personally spoken to them.  Please - God knows better than to hang out with the Republicans.  In fact, the last President God spoke to (and still speaks to) was former President Jimmy Carter (a Democrat) - this man was the most humanistic person we've ever had in the White House.  In his free time (although retired) he helps build "Habitat for Humanity" houses (yes, he's out there with a hammer and nails).  He still teaches Bible Class in his small Georgian town, and he is also called over the world as a Peace maker.

Sadly, when Jimmy Carter was in office as President - Americans ridiculed him as a "country bumpkin".  He was, in fact, the closest person we will ever have to Mahatama Gandhi - and the people were too stupid to recognize a GREAT soul.  Jimmy Carter was not appreciated.  There is a saying about "casting pearls before swine" - and Jimmy Carter was a pearl; he still is.

President Obama is doing as good a job as he can considering what his predecessor left him with.  

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