Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enough is ENOUGH!

We could not believe today's story of an incident in Veracruz, Mexico, yesterday at RUSH HOUR (5:30 p.m.) - keep in mind Veracruz was quite away from the drug cartels and is not a border town.

At 5:30 p.m. 2 trucks on an overpass in downtown Veracruz began DUMPING bodies onto the road below (freeway) - a total of 35 bodies were dumped.  23 were male, 12 were female - all had been tortured, hands clasped behind them.  Drivers began to "tweet" one another to stay away from this place (lest they run over bodies).  The bodies were grotesque - purplish, tortured, semi-naked (once a torturer begins, he rarely covers up or dresses the corpse!).

This whole incident made us want to vomit.  Granted, supposedly, these 35 victims were all involved in drug gangs and it was probably an act of one gang acting against another - but aren't there human limitations to what is and what is not acceptable??  I don't care how much gang A hates gang B or C - but you DON'T dump bodies on a freeway!

Univision (as usual) had the most graphic photos of all - purplish/grey/tortured corpses lying atop one another.

Today - President Calderon issued a STRONG admonishment towards the USERS of drugs (that would be USA!) as a partner to blame.

In my previous writings I have written about Human Rights violations of ALL kinds - of Jews in WWII, of Argentines during the "disappearance" years when thousands and thousands of individuals were rounded up and dumped (WITH  weights) into Rio Plata, of Chileans rounded up during the rule of Pinochet (dumped into the ocean after rape and torture), about Chad and its cruel dictator, and I haven't even started on the GENOCIDE of Muslims in Bosnia!!!.....have written about the millions killed in "Kampuchea" (Cambodia) during Pol Pot.....

Many THINK that if we would magically just make all drugs LEGAL ALL this cruelty would go away.  NONE of the incidents in Chile, Argentina, Chad, Bosnia, or "Kampuchea" had ANYTHING to do with drugs.  Actually, there is an element of mankind that is SO EVIL we dare not even know that side.  It is an evil side willing to TORTURE (and eat lunch in-between!) and regard dead corpses as just junk that needs to be disposed of.

Personally, I have never met such a cold-blooded killer or torturer, but I know they are out there.  The psychopaths of the world....what a horror this was in Veracruz.


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