Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Il Divo - Unbreak my Heart and MORE......

Enjoy and continue on to see other You Tube videos they have made - we LOVE them - One is Spanish, another French, another Swis, another American - as a group they sing heavenly!

Don't Worry Be Happy - Bob Marley

Enjoy all!!
Still searching for an old friend in what was then Hong Kong - stayed w/ a very nice Chinese family - one of the members was named "Antero Kaw" (the family went by "Kaw", also "Kho" and there were other names according to dialect).  He was born in (more or less) January 1952.  He attended Royden House in Thailand.  He is a good guy and I pray to find him (especially as his sister, Anita, has also joined me in searching for him). 

I have tried many, many ways to try to find him.  Sadly, nothing turns up.  There is a dark feeling in my heart that he "went" to a place of "substance abuse" and perhaps could be lying homeless or could have passed long, long ago - but I try to have HOPE and not reduce my search to such negativity.  Have asked his sister to try Police (Hong Kong Police is excellent for finding lost persons and/or keeping records).....or Salvation Army (with hopes he might be in a "shelter".  A Methodist minister also gave me a contact in HKG to try to find him.

Thus far - it is as if he disappeared off the face of the earth and I am so saddened!  I last spoke to him in 1997 - from out phone in Florida - my husband and I both talked to him.  If anyone knows of his whereabouts - please help us (his family and our family) find him.  If he is in a bad state, we don't care....we will try to assist in any possible way.

Azores Power Point Show

Let's hope this comes through:

Everything that USED to be bad is now good....

Coconut oil!  For years it had a horrible reputation as raising cholesterol.....BUT, that was way before they figured out there are two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL - coconut oil DOES raise cholesterol, but the GOOD kind!

Have been reading many articles that coconut oil can keep Alzheimers "at bay" (from progressing further) and can even reverse some symptoms of the dreadful disease - just 2 Tablespoons of it daily. 

Bacon USED to be "off limits" as were nuts, avocadoes, etc.   NOW reports say nuts and avocadoes are GOOD for us.   

Friday, June 15, 2012

Possible Cancer-Killing Foods....

I am definitely not a doctor, nor an oncologist.  I received these 2 recipes from a friend who is a Biologist.  As they are NOT in the least bit "invasive" or "harmful" - I say "WHY NOT???" 

She noted that the two cancer-cell killing foods were:

1).  REAL (100%) maple syrup plus baking soda (make sure it is aluminium-free) - three parts maple syrup and part baking soda - mix and simmer on stove for  minutes (binds soda to syrup).  This combination kills ALL types of diseased cells.
Dosage: cancer cell patients: 1 Tabsp. of Mixture 3 times day on empty stomach, mixed in glass of warm water.
Dosage: non-cancer patients:  tsp. 2 times a day

IT definitely can't HARM you - so why not TRY it??  WORST case scenerio is to a diabetic - who has an "overload" of carbs due to those spoonfuls of honey/etc.  WELL - just cut back on your CARBS for a while!  I believe in this all - we NEED a cure!

Things I DON'T understand about God.....

I am a faithful believer in God.  But there are constant "tests" in our lives.  Sometimes it happens to be a PERSON (like WHY did God call my dear friend Kamala in the prime of her life?) - How can I explain that?  Why did He call our dear friend, Carl?  Why did He decide in the span of 2 years that my Mum, 2 sisters, a niece, Nando's Dad, Nando's cousin, 2 of my Uncles and 1 Aunt would/SHOULD all perish??  Perhaps my outlook is a poor one.....they say He only calls (early) the ones He loves the most.

And now we look at our sweet little doggie, Billy.  We already had to euthanize our sweet doggie, Scooby - two years ago as (in spite of a life of almost 18 yrs as an epileptic dog) he was finally in PAIN and that we could not tolerate for his sake.  At the moment, we are STRUGGLING every week at the veterinarian's office to find a CORRECT/GOOD blood sugar reading for our Billy.  At first it was 5 (I'm going to say mg. because I don't know in what units insulin comes in).  THEN (we go in for weekly visits until they can regulate his sugar) - it was 7 mg;  a week later it was 10 mg; a week later it was 12 mg. and the last visit we made to vet's office - it's now up to to 15 mg.  It feels all so UNFAIR.  Here is this SWEET little dog who asks for little to nothing and SUDDENLY he is a "diabetic" (we have to give him 2 shots per day - but the dosage keeps changing ).  He wants nothing in life except to give us unconditional love and kisses.

These are the moments I WONDER who God is and WHY He/She chooses to take such sweet, innocent animals and give them DIABETES.  Whatever did poor Billy do in his past lifetime to "deserve" such a life in this one???

I know you will find it all "sick" but a friend of ours produced and directed a film called "The Day My God Died" about a sweet Nepalese girl whose parents SOLD her to a brothel at age 7 and how she coped (I won't spoil the ending; you can imagine what one ends up with after YEARS in a brothel in Mumbai).  THAT was bad enough....and then I thought about the horrible case in Austria whereby the daughter's own biological father kept her in a basement, raping her until she had 3-4 children by him.  My God, what was that poor girl ever thinking during those horrible years????  COULD she have believed in God at that time (as she heard her WICKED father's footsteps approaching to rape her?).  Surely, she must've felt He had DIED (God) in her  eyes.  How could one hold on to a belief if one was so badly hurt?  So many nights before I sleep in my PEACEFUL and comfortable bed, I cry, thinking of how that poor girl in Austria must've gone to bed - NOT sleeping - WAITING, WAITING for the footsteps of her evil biological father who had only the intentions of raping her (later he would say "I'm NO MONSTER!!!") - oh really???  Then what were you???  And I think about that poor sweet child from Nepal who was sent to a brothel in Mumbai - she was starved and they placed a live cobra in her room to force her to comply with what they wanted her to do.

And why does our poor, innocent Billy now suffer from a diabetes that cannot seem to be regulated?  What "hateful crime" did this poor little guy ever commit in his past life to "deserve" this??  And WHAT did the innocent babies, children, women and men of Homs, Syria ever do to "deserve" being blasted by tanks and  even airstrikes???

Please, God, TELL me you are STILL there???  I believe You love us with all Your heart - are You still there?  Do You still love us??  Please say that you do!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

EVER have that feeling you are talking to a wall???


Have you ever had a feeling that you are talking to a wall??  Sometimes it can be a "friend", sometimes it can be a "relative" (and those are more difficult to deal with).  Let's say (just for an example) you've had a really bad bout in hospital whereby you almost died (i.e., cardiologist and other specialists had to be called in and it was touch-and-go). email your beloved "friend/relative" and let them know what all you've been thru.

They write back, telling you they had constipation that day (YOU are not even a PART of what they are thinking about; they are thinking ONLY about themselves).

I used to hope or expect for a genuine response.  Now, I understand that these folks are so self-centred that they can't see outside what is happening to them.  AND it hurts YOU much, much more than them to "fret" over their inability to see your own pains. 

You could tell them your house was blown away in a tornado.  They will tell you: "You think THAT'S something?  I bought a bag of potato chips and one of the chips was spoiled!!!"

AND - you are "supposed" to act or react to them although they do not take your own life-threatening conditions at all in their scopes.  It is all about THEM  - always was, always will be.  They won't give a hoot that your child had a nearly fatal disease and they won't care that your spouse has been working 9 years without so much as even a salary raise or Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).  Just get USED to it and move on.

ALSO - such people are SO WRAPPED up in THEMSELVES that you can't talk to them about any REAL items (the bombings in Syria, the Egyptian Spring, the fact that Richard Chamberlain finally "came out" as Gay - they won't discuss anything that is REAL).  Sooner or later their conversation will revert back to THEMSELVES.

It is a real challenge to deal with such people.  Sometimes, one wishes they could see themselves in the mirror and how egocentric they are - but they never will see that side of themselves.

Just KNOW you ARE talking to a WALL and move on with your life - they weren't there to care for you before and never will be.  Move on!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

African Peanut-Sweet Potato Stew

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Being pulled at both ends....

Due to this economy my hours at my first job were shortened by 10 hours per paycheck.  Doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a lot monetarily.  I took a 2nd job and all sorts of things began to happen within our household.  Firstly, our daughter had problems that neither of us could "fix".  Secondly, our sweet doggie, Billy, developed diabetes.

I've read that canine diabetes is a result of the breed and nothing more, but I SWEAR that Billy's diabetes started when I began to leave him more and more time alone at home.  I am at a dilemma as to what to do...not for Billy - there is insulin to solve his daily problems.  Our daughter also began to develop many more problems and insecurities.

In job ONE I have a lot of responsibility but a good boss and good benefits (even a 401-K that chips in a lot).  In job TWO - I loathe the majority of calls (debt collection is never "easy") but I adore all the ladies who work with me.  They inspire me and have befriended me and vice versa.  TOUGH decision, especially since after a MASSIVE heart attack in 1998 I decided to "retire" in 2003 and NEVER work for another person again.

Lord, if it is my will to work until I die, then I guess that is Your will.  I have nothing more to add, Lord.  We keep looking for a "multi-family" house where we can live in one part and rent out the other.  At least I would be able to quit the job (2nd one) that causes me most stress.

MY "Chai" Cream Pie!!!

1/2 (14.1 ounce) package refrigerated pie dough  - OR 1 frozen pie crust!
Cooking spray
2 cups 2% reduced-fat milk
8 cardamom  pods, crushed
8 whole cloves
1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick, broken
Ginger, crushed
2 bags "chai tea"
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons cornstarch
1/8 tsp. salt
2 large eggs
1-1/2 Tablespoons butter, softened
1-1/2 cups frozen fat-free whipped topping, thawed
1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon

Prepare crust according to package directions

Combine milk and the next 4 ingredients (through ginger) in a medium, heavy saucepan over medium-high heat; cook until the mixture reaches 180 degrees or until tiny bubbles form around edge.  Remove from heat.  Add 2 chai tea bags, cover and let stands for 15 minutes.  Strain the mixture through a sieve over a bowl, and  discard solids.  Return milk mixture to pan, and cook over medium high heat until the milk reaches 180 degrees or until tiny bubbles form around edge.

Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt and eggs in a large bowl, stirring well.  Gradually add the hot milk mixture to sugar mixture, stirring constantly with a whisk.  Return milk mixture to pan, and cook over medium heat 10 minutes or until thick and bubbly, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat; stir in butter.

Place pan in a large ice-filled bowl for 10 minutes or until filling cools, stirring occasionally.  Spoon mixture into crust; cover surgae with plastic wrap.  Chill 3 hours or until set; remove plastic wrap.  Top pie with whipped topping;  garnish with ground cinnamon.  Yield 8 servings (serving size: 1 slice).

Have to PRINT this out - my hubby wants me to make this for his B'day which is coming up soon!

Ways (legal or not) to SAVE MONEY in Business

Number one - NEVER, NEVER put your phone under your business name.  Put it under your first initial and surname (such as P. Smith) - that way you will only be charged RESIDENTIAL phone & Internet prices monthly.

Number two - do not tell your trash/recycle company you are a business - register under (yep, you got it!!!) your first initial and surname (and pay those bills in a private checking acct.)

Number three - do not tell your electric/gas company you are a business.  Register under.....need I say more????

Number four - NEVER register as a DBA or INC......always do an LLC (it's perfectly legal).

Number five - BE ONLINE ready to "chat" at ALL times. (Nothing illegal about that!)

Number six - get only the absolute work permits necessary to redo or remodel (now you're playing with fire).


Friday, April 20, 2012

The END of the WORLD????

As a youth in Sri Lanka I used to like to go to Matara - the southernmost part of the island.  From Matara, looking south - one could see......just OCEAN.....and it would continue on all the way to Antarctica (in miles: 7168.67 or in kilometers: 11536.85) - TOO far to even fathom in a boat or "floating car" (if such were invented).  I would look out "to sea" at Matara and felt a very special feeling.  Surely, this was the END of the world??

I never photographed that scene (although it was very close to my heart).  Recently, a good friend of mine went to Sri Lanka and took this photo.  I asked her to please share it with me because it represents the "end of the world".   Please take a look for yourself - and try to think of not reaching land until 7168 miles or 11,536 km. ahead - is it any reason that sometimes when we lived there we felt we were the ONLY "real" place and everything/every other country was "surreal"???

So - thanks to my friend, Rubi, THIS is a photo of the END OF THE WORLD as one knows it from Sri Lanka.

Here is a map to PROVE what a distance it is!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Honey's Story - END RESULT

Here is the inspiring story of what happened to Honey when the Humane Society Intervened.

Please know that many, many countries in this world are involved in the fight against cruelty towards animals.  In our house we watch a lot of Bollywood films and are happy to note that many Bollywood film stars are out there fighting for animal rights:

See PETA BOLLYWOOD - check out the stars who are against cruelty to animals!

Animals are SENTINENT beings and FEEL PAIN - how can we consider ourselves "HUMAN" if we are not "HUMANE"??

Please do your part to prevet cruelty to animals.  The ideal Hindu philosophy is "ahimsa" which means "nonharm" to any living being. 

Toxic Friends.....


Caution: Extreme Toxicity

A toxic friend can be defined as someone, who after leaving their presence, drains, exhausts or leaves you gasping for air. Knowing when and how to end this type of friendship can be a sometimes difficult and heartbreaking experience. After all, there must have been some good qualities this person possessed once upon a time, or else why would you have ever had them as a friend to begin with?
But, alas, as sad as it may seem, a toxic friend will always undermine your true potential for happiness. It may be time to consider bidding adieu to this curse and put your own well-being and sanity at the forefront of a less stressed life.

The truest friendships are those that inspire, motivate and elevate you to higher ground. Great friends should build lasting memories, share hopes and dreams and always show up when you need them most. This should be a mutually binding and common goal. In the deepest friendships, you should always have the utmost confidence that your friend seeks only your best interest. Ultimately lasting friendships entail wishes of triumph, success, and bountiful bliss. If you were surrounded by more of these types of people, and less of the toxic variety, life would be richer, always supportive and genuinely everlasting.

Levels of toxicity ~ toxic friends that need to pack their bags:

Poisonous friend #1 ~ The Faker
This person gives the impression of being supportive and sincerely concerned for your well-being, yet all the while gently shooting down every new idea that excites you with negative counter reasons. Contemplating furthering your education? Poisonous friend #1 will tell you 101 reasons why this is not such a good idea, sweetly smiling and taking joy in explaining how taking more classes is a waste of time and pointless. Said friend will revel in dissecting why this silly plan would never work and is not meant for people like you and them.

Poisonous friend #2 ~ The Pessimist
This person doesn't just see the glass half-empty, but thinks paranoia is a golden rule to living one's life. A depressing theory to live by, but their reality nonetheless. They can’t see a positive side to advise you.  They will spin tale upon tale of (if you happen to have a relative with breast cancer) all the people THEY know who died of breast cancer.  If your dog disappears, they will be FIRST to tell you “most likely she was killed by a car” (whereas others will at least give you the HOPE that your sweet doggie was picked up by a loving family and is OK).  The constant complaining that goes along with this sad person releases pure exhaustion, usually setting in the moment you hear their trembling voice.  These “friends” will always know “someone” who DIED of a simple cold or had to have brain surgery because of a sinus infection.

Poisonous friend #3 ~  I Know So Much More Than You Do
This person cannot ever compliment you on a job well done but will inevitably tell you how it could be done BETTER (with “their help”) – it could be a work of art, a culinary work – but the compliment will never come.  Instead will come a remark that if you would ONLY follow THEIR recipe or art method, it would be SO MUCH BETTER. 

Poisonous friend #5 ~ The Whiner
The chronic complainer, the poisonous friend who finds fault in every aspect, facet, and minute detail of their waking life. Nothing is ever good enough, nothing they ever appreciate and nothing in life worth valuing. They will suck the living life out of you, especially when the calls seem to become more panicked and increasingly frequent. This friend is especially insidious because you're trapped from the moment they had you at "hello".  They will also interrupt you because THEIR time is more important that yours (ditto Narcissist!).

Poisonous friend #6 ~ The Narcissist
The all about "me" syndrome that follows this poisonous friend is probably not as destructive as the previous 5, but nonetheless, one toxic friend worth discussing. The conversation you share with this hopeless shmuck is riddled with their inability to understand they are actually talking to a real living, breathing, human being. Their voice dominates every subject as if to say you don't matter, and the only reason you may get a chance to get a word in edge wise, is to give them a chance to swallow air. They don't even hear you. They are so completely self-absorbed that every sentence becomes a chess match of how they can top you or relate their own experiences. The longer you give these friends a soapbox, the more time they have to chip away at your self-esteem.

Poisonous friend #8 ~ The Critical Hound
We all know this toxic friend. It can be a relative, a co-worker or your basic annoying friend. They seem to find fault in everything you say and do from the moment you open the door and see their domineering faces. The color and style of your hair, the way you raise your children, to how you manage your money, all seem like fair game in their obscene world. The critical hound chooses to cross that fine line of caring, well-meaning advice and dives head first into the valley of mean, irrational nit-picking. Unfortunately this group sometimes fall into the family realm, which means their instant demise is not so easy. If this is someone you can't eliminate as soon as possible, then take the calmer route and lessen your time with this toxic friend.

Hopefully by identifying toxic friendships early and often, you will eliminate needless stress and unnecessary pain. If your current roster of go-to friends contain some of these annoying characters, free yourself, shed their poison and move on to a higher class of comrades.

P.S. - there are also "toxic relatives" - make sure you do your best (sometimes with relatives it's not as easy to break ties) to ignore such relatives and don't give them any "food" to feed on with their toxicity.