Friday, June 15, 2012

Possible Cancer-Killing Foods....

I am definitely not a doctor, nor an oncologist.  I received these 2 recipes from a friend who is a Biologist.  As they are NOT in the least bit "invasive" or "harmful" - I say "WHY NOT???" 

She noted that the two cancer-cell killing foods were:

1).  REAL (100%) maple syrup plus baking soda (make sure it is aluminium-free) - three parts maple syrup and part baking soda - mix and simmer on stove for  minutes (binds soda to syrup).  This combination kills ALL types of diseased cells.
Dosage: cancer cell patients: 1 Tabsp. of Mixture 3 times day on empty stomach, mixed in glass of warm water.
Dosage: non-cancer patients:  tsp. 2 times a day

IT definitely can't HARM you - so why not TRY it??  WORST case scenerio is to a diabetic - who has an "overload" of carbs due to those spoonfuls of honey/etc.  WELL - just cut back on your CARBS for a while!  I believe in this all - we NEED a cure!

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