Friday, December 9, 2011

Kim Chi - easy recipe!

Kim Chi  is a Korean STAPLE - you can mix it with rice or barley or anything you eat - it's a compliment to ANY food, if you like spicy foods.  If you don't like spicy foods - please ignore.  We happen to love it!

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Honey's Story.....

There is NO reason why animals should be abused and used as "betting items" as in KILL to the death.  This is why I'm still "on the fence" in reference to legalizing drugs.  OK - let's assume drugs are now LEGAL - but what about DOG-FIGHTING????   People (almost always "hyped up on drugs" - it goes together - drugs and dog-fighting) feel the need to have these "power shows" using helplesss animals who are abused beyond belief in order to make the "owners" money. 

I'm not against (totally) legalization of drugs, but as a true animal lover, I need to know how these poor creatures' rights will be protected.  ALAS, drugs and dog-fighting go can "legalize" drugs, if you wish, but what does that do to protect animals from fighting (by force - and mostly by drug-induced individuals who make profit at the expense of these poor animals)?

If you CAN - please watch "Honey's Story" - there is no way this poor creature should have been subjected to the cruelty she was.  She will have a long time of healing, and what is so amazing and thoroughly gifted by God is that Honey CAN trust a human again (in spite of what she was subjected to).

Having worked for a law enforcement agency, I have seen reports about the cruel way these dogs are treated in order to "train them to fight" - quite often, chili powder is rubbed into their eyes to make them "meaner".  Also, they are beaten with sticks.  In addition, sometimes semi-dead rabbits are thrown into their pens to make them ATTACK.  This is the sickest side of HUMANITY I have ever seen.

I apologize before-hand - I CANNOT tolerate cruelty towards animals - in Philippines and Mexico I am told that cock-fighting is not only LEGAL but a "cultural heritage".  My theory is this - if human BOXERS wish to fight one another, they HAVE a choice to do that or NOT do that.  Animals are not afforded this same luxury.

Please, watch "Honey's Story" and let me know what you think of this afterwards,

    hsus email inset honey year end 2011 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

an even EASIER Samosa Recipe and Baked too!


Servings: about 5 dozen

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

What a GREAT Surprise......

As with many in this instable hours in my regular job were cut.  That mandated looking for a 2nd part-time job.  A friend talked me into applying at another place part-time.  I did, and got the job (so now have 2 jobs).

I have to share with you how pleasantly surprised I was in the 2nd job that (consisting of 14 females) we all got along so splendidly well and became fast friends.  Have not been with such "positive-minded" people in a long, long time and it was/is so refreshing. 

One of the new ladies (as I also was) was so overwhelmed one day (there's a LOT to learn and a totally different, a very old DOS computer system) that she broke down and cried.  We ALL not only went to give her a hug, but next day many of us had given her a vase full of flowers or a poem or more hugs or a card letting her know we were thinking of her.  Obviously, this was a place where people cared about one another.  How refreshing!!! 

This same "newbie" - a week later had to go on "phones" (it's scary, especially the first time).  She received (on her third call) what we call a "promise" (which adds points and $$ to the individual's pay-cheque).  When we heard that - we ALL stopped what we were doing, stood up, clapped and congratulated her.  It was a $20 promise, she said, but it was her FIRST.

Also, my very first time to stay late I was surprised to see that the supervisor (also a female) walked each and every one of us to our cars and made sure our cars started.  Have to tell you - have never worked at such a place before.

The atmosphere is so, so POSITIVE.  I have and had been in many negative situations - situations where I had to "explain myself" (have come to the conclusion that either one accepts me for who I am or they can go find another "friend"), or have had to "explain this and that and WHY I did things this way and NOT the way THEY do things".  This was a heavenly change from what I had known in my life (of course, I have this great PEACE within my family, but it was the very first time I had such acceptance from new friends and co-workers).  My 2012 New Year's Resolution is to keep far, far away of negative people and to seek out the friendship of positive, illuminating people.

One day I came in wearing a really nice Indian (from India) blouse that my friend Rubi had given me - several of the ladies came up to hug me and say "Just wanted to hug you and let you know how pretty you look today".

All 14 ladies and I get along well.  One lady even insists we call her "Mom" (and she's 20 yrs. my junior!).  But to be with such upbeat, positive people has definitely changed my life and has even changed the way I am when I come home to my dear family.   One of the ladies accidentally hit a deer on her way to work.  Our first thoughts were "Are YOU OK?"  Thank God, she was.  Then there was the bad news that it would cost $5,000 to repair her car.  What would you do if your sister was in this situation?  We asked her what we could do (after the insurance deductible) to help her rent a car to/from work until her car was fixed.....we passed the hat. And as I am her "Secret Santa" (each employee draws the name of another employee, buys a gift within a certain monetary range and must keep out identity secret).....I intend to buy her some deer whistles for her car as she travels a great distance daily to/from work and we do live in DEER country!

How we treat others really matters.  We can TELL them how to live their lives or we can also let them live their lives as they choose and be there to support them if they fall or have difficult times.

I am very, very blessed in work, family and friends.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Homemade New England Style Clam Chowder....

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Egg-Free, Milk-Free Pumpkin Pie....VEGAN

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Vegetarian French Onion Soup....

This is so delicious, especially on a chilly night:

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Occupy Wall Street....REVISED!

Initially, I found the Occupy Wall Street movement refreshing, even hopeful, although they didn't have an agenda (or rather, too many agendas, some that were too fantastic to ever be addressed). 

However, recently in Oakland, California some of the "group" became violent but not in a positive way (to bring a cause into being) - rather, in a vandalistic way. 

I have, therefore, changed my mind about them and have nothing further to say.

Places I Have Been and Have Not Been......

A friend sent me this and I find it quite WITTY.  I might add, I have been in Continent many, many times!

I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.
I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there.
I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and mostly work.
I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.
I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.
I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.
Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.
One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart!
At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!
And, sometimes I think I am in Vincible but life shows me I am not!
I have been in Deepdoodoo many times; the older I get, the easier it is to get there.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Netanyahu doesn't "get it EITHER!"......

Palestine joined UNESCO as a "state" - U.S. thought it could  challenge this decision by witholding funds from UNESCO.  Palestine WILL join many, many other U.N. organizations.  Canadians have already decided to FUND UNESCO (MANY in the world are in favour of Palestine being it's own independent state).  U.S. and Israel feel that the ONLY way Palestine can achieve independence is through "talks" with Israel.  Well, they've talked and they've talked and they've talked.

And what did Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu do today???  He decreed that MORE Israeli houses would be built in Palestine-occupied areas, claiming "we have the RIGHT to do this" - yes, I suppose you do.  And you also have the right to throw a nuclear bomb into Palestine, but you appear (in the eyes of the world) so STAID, so STOIC - you will not negotiate with the Palestinians (your answer is "to build more Israeli houses in their land").....and so it is not the least bit wrong to say - ISRAEL - you don't WANT to have peace talks with the Palestinians.  You want everything status quo and hope U.S.A. will back you on this.

Palestine has a RIGHT to be independent and you don't show your "olive branch of peace" by building more Israeli houses in their territory!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Don't You "Get It"????

Palestine wants to be an independent nation.  It is TIRED of the unsuccessful "talks" with Israel.  It has joined UNESCO.  U.S. responded very badly by threatening to cut off all funds to UNESCO (and I hope Palestine will join MANY other U.N. organizations!!)

BUT - what did Israel just do???  They decided (for spite?? - after this decision) to build MORE Israeli HOUSING in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Are we starting to see why the Palestinians MIGHT be frustrated????  If Israel had wanted a peaceful resolution, they would've done so many decades ago before it came to this ugly point.

So - at this point, we hope Palestine JOINS as MANY U.N. organizations as necessary for Isreal to finally PUT attention.  Israel has hidden far too many decades under the petticoats of American "blessings" - the rest of the world has developed and grown, and most now support an independent Palestine.   

Friday, October 28, 2011

How to QUICKLY break up with a relative or friend.....

I have a 17-yr. old young friend  (I could almost use the word protogé) who sort of looks up to me as her mentor in many ways.  The question she asked me the other day was "are there any topics I shouldn't talk about with others?"

That's when I told her: "Never, EVER discuss politics or religion.....unless you want to quickly break up with a relative or friend".  I saw two brothers discussing the "Occupy Wall Street" campaign.  The younger brother felt it was a great campaign to call attention to corporate greed.  The older brother said "These are Socialists!  Communists!"  - the conversation became heated and the rest of us watched as they shouted louder and louder at one another.  It was very close to coming to blows between them.  Finally, the older brother's wife broke in (we half expected her to be hit by a blow)....saying "This is MY SUPPOSED-to-be HAPPY BIRTHDAY party, and you will STOP this conversation RIGHT NOW!".  They stopped, but the tension did not.  The younger brother and his wife left early, muttering something about "damn Republican!" under his breath.  I wonder if they're still speaking.....doubt it!

Then I witnessed another very sad FIGHT over religion between two sisters.  Again, it was a family gathering - actually to celebrate the birthday of a son of the younger of the two sisters.  The younger sister is a devout Roman Catholic; her older sister is a DEDICATED atheist.  Somehow, the subject of religion came up.  The older sister fired her shots about priests who molest children.  The younger sister naturally defended her faith and said this wasn't the norm nor was it the time and place to discuss this.  Then they became embroiled in an "after death" discussion.  The older sister said there is no afterlife, period....THIS life is all there is.  The younger sister was hurt and said "There is a heaven and a hell".  We watched these two sisters (it was like a ping-pong match, only SADDER!) back and forth - they shot egregious statements at one another.  The rest of us (there were about 25 in the room) weren't really sure what to do to occupy ourselves.  We definitely didn't want to take sides, but we also could not avoid HEARING this fight.  Once again, it didn't come to blows but it got out of hand to the point where the older sister threw a plate (luckily, tin!) of canapés across the room to make her point.  Mmmmm, well I guess I really didn't want those cucumber dill rounds anyway.  Most embarrassed of all was the younger sister's son, whose birthday it was.  He stormed upstairs to his room.  Can't say we blame him.  We didn't stay much longer (what the heck, the canapés were on the floor and there SURE as heck wasn't going to be a "cake cutting ceremony"!).  We don't know if the two sisters ever made up or not......we doubt it!

BUT - I tell my protogé about these two stories so that she understands that there are two subjects guaranteed to break up a family or friendship.  Talk about the weather, about interests, about family, about future plans, but never EVER talk about politics or religion.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Accents are strange.....

I haven't figured out yet why Brits who pronounce words like FAST, PAST, LAST with a LONG A sound such as "ah".....will take a word like "pasta" and make it sound like the American version of "fast"-a.  YET - Americans have these short "a" words like "fast", "last", "past".....but pronounce PASTA with a long "A" as is "pahsta".

Stranger still are some American pronunciations of countries and languages.  Although it is now changing a little, Americans used to say "AI-talian" for "Italian".  However, they still pronounce Iraq as "AI-raq".  Have even heard "AI-ran" for Iran!!

And then there are some beautiful Indian names: Asha, Laxmi - and Americans tend to pronounce them with a short "a" - "ash-a" and LAX (rhyming with lax-ative!)MI.  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Language (even when it's the "same" language) can be interesting!

THEN if you REALLY want STRANGE - try New York State!!  The town of "Pulaski" (named after a Polish emigrant Gen. Pulaski) is called "PULAS.....kai!"(the Poles would turn round in their graves if the ever heard such a pronunciation!).   The name of the town "Medina" (which is an Arabic word for "central market") is pronounced MeDAIna!  The beautiful name Salina (a name in Spanish) is pronounced as Sah-LAI-nah! in NY State.  Chili (who can mess that up??) is pronounced as CHAI-LAI in Upstate NY.  Lima (hopefully named after the Capital of Peru) is pronounced as "LAI-ma" in NY State.    VERY strange pronunciations all around!    There is also a town named Mexico in NY State - I asked residents of that town "so you all are Mexicans, no?"  - OH NO!!!  They call themselves "Mexiconians'!!!  Go figure!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Movement.....

Thus far, I haven't written about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and for reason.  Reason one - I hate that America has to put things into a categorical box in order to recognize it.  Reason two - I was waiting to see what's happening with this movement.

I am pleased that it cannot "fit into a box" and that there isn't a SINGLE agenda.  This is because there are TOO MANY agendas for the American people to address.  There is the agenda of GREED on Wall Street.  There is the agenda that our government (Republican and Democrat) are "playing childish games" (at our expense) against one another in the Congress & Senate just to jockey for power.  There is the agenda that millions of Americans are without work.  There is the agenda that both parties (but Republicans moreso than Democrats) are pretending that "climate change" doesn't exist.  The politics of America have been reduced to semantics - using issues like abortion or how "religious" each candidate is to pull the wool over the eyes of American voters. 

When police in New York attacked the Occupy Wall Street Movement with pepper spray - they conveyed a message felt by all - that peaceful "sit ins" are not going to be permitted because they "disturb" those on Wall Street who are making millions and millions while the rest of America loses their investments.  There was Madoff and Rajaratnam and there are HUNDREDS of others who have not been named yet.

America has reached the point of total frustration - how can ONE agenda possibly define all our disgruntled issues??

Moreover, the fact that officials want to "suppress" this peaceful "event" (it's not a demonstration, not a protest....they are just occupying space) makes me concerned that our "fragile democracy" can't tolerate any dispute whatsoever.

These people have my kudos and I admire their pluck to stand up - an agenda doesn't have to be presented - we are fed up with the lies and childish behaviour of our government. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

S'Agago (Greek for I love you) Sophia Loren from 1957 film Boy on a Dolphin

Oh my, Sophia Loren was quite a beauty!!!  She STILL is (in spite rumours of her passing, which are totally untrue!).  We love so many of her films, but this on "Boy on a Dolphin" with the late Alan Ladd she sings the beautiful "S'agapo" (in Greek that means I love you): We also are fans of "It Happened in Naples" - she has given so much to the cinema of our world!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One of the Happiest Songs I've Heard....

Whenever I feel down, this is a song that gets my bones moving and my mind free and my hands clapping!  It's a beautiful African-American gospel song composed by Edwin Hawkins called "Oh Happy Day".

Please enjoy!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Spoons Made From Cornstarch....

Was watching a French chef on PBS who is very concerned about the environment.  He spoke of a "plastic-like" spoon made from cornstarch, which is 100% biodegradable.  In his very busy restaurant in New York City his sous-chefs needed to taste the sauces all day long, and for hygiene reasons they needed to use a utensil they could throw away.  I'd never heard of such a thing, so I looked it up.

Yes, it's true.  Here is one company (there are hundreds - just put "spoon from cornstarch" in a Google search and they'll all pop up):

I really like this idea.  Some friends of ours were visiting relatives in another state and they were appalled that they do not recycle ANYTHING.....and all those plastic forks, spoons, knives (much to the horror of our friends) were just thrown in the garbage....where they will never decompose.  Plastic doesn't biodegrade.

We also have some very stubborn friends who believe that "climate change" is all a hoax thought up by the government!!  Ay!Ay!Ay!.....we have polar bears dying off in the Arctic because the ice is no longer capable of supporting them.  We have the President of the Maldive Islands pleading with United Nations to help come up with a solution before his entire nation is swallowed up by the ocean.  Yet, it's a "hoax"?  I don't think so.

I remember taking a bus in Mexico from one city to another - it was about a 5 hour trip.  The buses in Mexico all have movies, but it was one I'd seen many times before, so I began looking out the window.  What I saw disgusted me......I don't think there was even a 50 meter space in that entire trip where there WEREN'T plastic bottles (from water, soda, etc.).  I asked a relative why they don't recycle the plastic and he said it was too expensive and no-one had the revenue to start up such a recycling plant. 

This is IT, guys!!  As far as I know - this is the only planet I know of that can support human life.  If we "break it".....we can't "fix it".

I wrote once about the "banana plant rule" - there is another item - the coconut.  It can provide water; it can provide protein eaten raw, it can be used to make "milk" used in curries and many dishes.  It provides copra.  The coir husks can be used as mattress material....and the shell can be polished (or even not polished) and used as a bowl to hold food.

We must come up with more ideas for going green. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reason, Season or Lifetime....

There is a very wise old saying that "friends" come into your life for one of three purposes - for a "reason" (perhaps to teach you something then they're on their way, having taught you what God intended them to teach).  A "season" - this means you can have a friend to support you through thick or thin....but they may move away or have a disease like cancer or Alzheimer's that takes them away.  And there is then the "lifetime" category.  Let me tell you that very, very few can fit into that category....mostly, it would be your spouse or child/children.

I think of my dear friend, Elaine, who at 89 yrs. of age taught me how to use a sewing machine...God bless her!!!  She was so patient, so kind with me....would be the first to say "that's OK" when I made an error.  Alas, she is gone now - and I miss her a lot, but I will NEVER forget what she taught me.

Recently, I was asked by one of my "lifetime friends" how to make "seitan" - i.e., a Japanese word for "fake meat" from WHEAT GLUTEN.  I will be posting that recipe soon for anyone who wishes.

Cheerio!  Have a good night all,


Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Labyrinth That is Life.....

Life is so, so mysterious!!!  I had a childhood friend in Sri Lanka named "Molly Thanjaraayar".  Her family and my family were so intertwined that we came to think of one another as cousins - her Dad my Uncle, her Mum my Aunty.

Molly and I tried to keep touch over the years.  She married and her husband was sent (her coming as well) to Bahrain and the former Trucial States where he worked as an engineer.

One day I received a letter (snail mail in those days!) that she and her husband and daughter would be moving to Melbourne, Australia, and she gave me the address.  I wrote, but the letter came back - "no such person at this address".  I was lost....didn't know what to do.

That was around 1990.  I felt so saddened that we would lose touch forever.  I knew Molly's Dad had passed away, but SOMEHOW (and it very well could have been my imagination!) - I believed her mother was accepted as a Tamil refugee in Toronto.  That was all I could remember.  I would look into it when I had more time. 

Finally, sometime in 2003 my husband and I would establish a Bed & Breakfast and one room would be dedicated to Molly's late Dad "Uncle Thanjaraayar".  I created a website, etc.  I had more free time on my hands than previously, so I was DETERMINED to find Molly's Mum (and thru her Molly and her sister Menaka).  I didn't know where to start, but it was 2003 the Internet was UP and ALIVE - I looked up the white pages in the entire Toronto area for the surname "Thanjaraayar".  I sent out 36 letters asking if they might be related to Aunty or Molly or have any idea how to find them.  The letters went out to ALL the suburbs of Toronto: Mississauga, Scarborough, Markham, Ajax, Pickering.  The folks here at the local post office were really surprised when I ordered 36 stamps for Canada and mailed them all.  It was a momentous occasion in their lives.  They'd never seen that before.

Then I waited and waited.  One by one the letters came back "no such person at this address", "no such address" (you get the picture).  And each letter that was returned was like a knife to my soul.  I cried one day in utter despair telling my husband (who comforted me) how hopeless this all seemed.  In that letter I had also included my phone number and email address.  About 30 letters came back unopened.

One day I received an email from a person in Toronto named "Kami" (Kamini).  She wrote so sweetly: "My mother was a Thanjaraayar and alas, I am not the RIGHT Thanjaraayar, but the love you have for this family so moved me that I will pray for you day and night to find them.  Every time I felt at my lowest point, somehow Kami would email me and encourage me not to give up faith.  She was quite sure I would find "my family".  We began to write back and forth on other issues as well - Kami and her husband were longing to have a child and thus far had not.  I and my husband were longing to adopt a child but always obstacles loomed in the way.  We began to encourage one another on this issue - I prayed with all my might that Kami and her husband would have children and she prayed that I would find "my family" and that we would be able to adopt our daughter.

ONE MORNING at around 6:00 a.m. our time - the phone rang - it was Molly, calling from Australia (but not Melbourne.....Sydney, instead!).  Miracles happen - their daughter had the flu and could not sleep the previous night.....she (the daughter) didn't even know why, but with high fever began to search the Internet and put her Grandfather's name in - and UP POPPED our Bed & Breakfast with contact numbers and all.  The voice at the other end of the line (Molly) asked "Do you know who this is?" - I KNEW!!!!

More surprises would come.  My information about Molly's Mum living as a refugee in Canada was very wrong.  In fact - Molly's sister, Menaka (whom I NEVER thought of looking for in Toronto as I had no idea they'd migrated there) lived in nearby Toronto.  And yet another surprise - Uncle Thanjaraayar's nephew Tony who was also quite close to my family, as well as his wife.....had ALSO migrated to Toronto!

In the weeks that ensued many phone conversations took place and it felt so wonderful to finally be in touch with a family who had been so much a part of my life growing up.

But there were even more surprises - my new friend Kami (she and I have kept up a friendship over 8 years now!!) was finally expecting a child (or, as we USED to say in antiquated terms in Sri Lanka "term of confinement".....I swear!  That's how we called being pregnant).  AND we were able to adopt our lovely daughter and we were able to meet Molly, her sister Menaka (& their lovely family), and Cousin Tony (and their lovely family), and Aunty (who spends half the year in Australia/half in Canada).  We were able to know Molly's daughter with much more clarity and fondness - oh, how we wished we could've attended her wedding!!  In 2011 - our daughter would meet Molly's daughter, husband and two sweet daughters in London!

AND - the friendship with Kami???  We are still great, great friends.  She and her husband now have TWO beautiful children.  We try to see them as well every time we are in Toronto area.  We still call or email one another frequently.

Imagine this labyrinth of a journey!!  I had only set out to reunite with friend Molly, but look at the richness we gained along the way!!!  Life is precious and beautiful....sometimes (I know I've been writing a lot about the DARK side of humanity lately) we need to remember how BEAUTIFUL it CAN be.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enough is ENOUGH!

We could not believe today's story of an incident in Veracruz, Mexico, yesterday at RUSH HOUR (5:30 p.m.) - keep in mind Veracruz was quite away from the drug cartels and is not a border town.

At 5:30 p.m. 2 trucks on an overpass in downtown Veracruz began DUMPING bodies onto the road below (freeway) - a total of 35 bodies were dumped.  23 were male, 12 were female - all had been tortured, hands clasped behind them.  Drivers began to "tweet" one another to stay away from this place (lest they run over bodies).  The bodies were grotesque - purplish, tortured, semi-naked (once a torturer begins, he rarely covers up or dresses the corpse!).

This whole incident made us want to vomit.  Granted, supposedly, these 35 victims were all involved in drug gangs and it was probably an act of one gang acting against another - but aren't there human limitations to what is and what is not acceptable??  I don't care how much gang A hates gang B or C - but you DON'T dump bodies on a freeway!

Univision (as usual) had the most graphic photos of all - purplish/grey/tortured corpses lying atop one another.

Today - President Calderon issued a STRONG admonishment towards the USERS of drugs (that would be USA!) as a partner to blame.

In my previous writings I have written about Human Rights violations of ALL kinds - of Jews in WWII, of Argentines during the "disappearance" years when thousands and thousands of individuals were rounded up and dumped (WITH  weights) into Rio Plata, of Chileans rounded up during the rule of Pinochet (dumped into the ocean after rape and torture), about Chad and its cruel dictator, and I haven't even started on the GENOCIDE of Muslims in Bosnia!!!.....have written about the millions killed in "Kampuchea" (Cambodia) during Pol Pot.....

Many THINK that if we would magically just make all drugs LEGAL ALL this cruelty would go away.  NONE of the incidents in Chile, Argentina, Chad, Bosnia, or "Kampuchea" had ANYTHING to do with drugs.  Actually, there is an element of mankind that is SO EVIL we dare not even know that side.  It is an evil side willing to TORTURE (and eat lunch in-between!) and regard dead corpses as just junk that needs to be disposed of.

Personally, I have never met such a cold-blooded killer or torturer, but I know they are out there.  The psychopaths of the world....what a horror this was in Veracruz.


Monday, September 19, 2011

"Operation Wetback" and the nasty consequences

It is so strange - we have many well-educated friends who refuse to believe that there was such a thing as "Opertaion Wetback" in the early 1950's in USA where thousands and thousands of Mexicans (AND many Mexican-Americans!) were forced across the Texas border (by Texas Rangers) during the anti-Hispanic era of Senator McCarthy, President Eisenhower and then-appointed INS Commissioner Joseph Swing.

To even TRY to fathom how this racism developed, you need to understand how it started: 

In many counties in the southwestern United States, Mexican Americans were not selected as jurors in court cases which involved a Mexican American defendant.[19] In 1954, Pete Hernandez, an agricultural worker, was indicted of murder by an all-Anglo jury in Jackson County, Texas. Hernandez believed that the jury could not be impartial unless members of other races were allowed on the jury-selecting committees, seeing that a Mexican American had not been on a jury for more than 25 years in that particular county. Hernandez and his lawyers decided to take the case to the Supreme Court. The Hernandez v. Texas Supreme Court ruling declared that Mexican Americans and other cultural groups in the United States were entitled to equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.[20]
Many organizations, businesses, and homeowners associations had official policies to exclude Mexican Americans. In many areas across the Southwest, Mexican Americans lived in separate residential areas, due to laws and real estate company policies. This group of laws and policies, known as redlining, lasted until the 1950s, and fall under the concept of official segregation.[21][21][22][23] In many other instances, it was more of a general social understanding among Anglos that Mexicans should be excluded. For instance, signs with the phrase "No Dogs or Mexicans" were posted in small businesses and public pools throughout the Southwest well into the 60s.[15]

The effort began in California and Arizona in 1954 and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies. Tactics employed included going house to house in Mexican-American neighborhoods and citizenship checks during standard traffic stops.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.
Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 miles. Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico.[1]

Civil rights violations
There were widespread allegations of abuse against Mexicans and US citizens of Mexican descent, including harassment and beatings.[3] Lawsuits were filed and settled in favor of victims

THEREIN lies the problem - there was not just the deportation of illegal Mexicans, but anyone "Mexican-looking" including Mexican-American citizens were herded to Mexico like cattle.   

The Mexican Repatriation refers to a mass migration that took place between 1929 and 1939, when as many as 500,000 people of Mexican descent were forced or pressured to leave the US.[1] The event, carried out by American authorities, took place without due process.[2]. Some 35,000 were deported, amongst many hundreds of thousands of other immigrants who were deported during this period. The Immigration and Naturalization Service targeted Mexicans because of "the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios." [3]
The Repatriation is not widely discussed in American history textbooks;[4] in a 2006 survey of the nine most commonly used American history textbooks in the United States, four did not mention the Repatriation, and only one devoted more than half a page to the topic.[4]. Nevertheless, many mainstream textbooks now carry this tpoic, while susequenetly ignoring other mass deprotations and repatriations of European immigrants (all in the guise of multiculturalism). In total, they devoted four pages to the Repatriation, compared with eighteen pages for the Japanese American internment[4] which affected only one-tenth as many people.[1]
These actions were authorized by President Herbert Hoover and targeted areas with large Hispanic populations, mostly in California, Texas, Colorado, Illinois and Michigan.

We even have friends who cannot understand and DO NOT BELIEVE that in the 1920's discrimination against Mexican-Americans was such that they were not admitted into many Universities.  MANY Mexican-Americans (especially those of lighter skin, green or blue eyes) would "pass" for Whites and legally change their names to whatever "Anglo" name came up in the phone directory.  Like I said, these are well-educated people who certainly know about discrimination and human rights violations of every OTHER race or religion, but because this information has been minimized in American school textbooks - they can't "fathom it" as real.   

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chile's "Caravan of Death" during Pinochet's rule....

In the early 1970's President Allende (a leftist) was ELECTED by the people of Chile to be President.  There were interviews with then President Nixon saying that with "Castro in charge of Cuba and Allende in Chile - it was a Communist 'sandwich' to which ALL nations in the middle would become".  President Nixon and the American CIA determined Allende must GO and they backed a coy dictator named "Pinochet" - who in 1973 (with ample training from U.S. CIA) claimed Allende committed suicide (not likely); He took over Chile in 1973 and remained dictator there until 1998.

Meanwhile in 1973 Chilean Pinochet supporters rounded up all opposition leaders and professors and liberals or anyone who have "influence" - and their families and tortured them brutally (women especially were brutally raped and given electric shock treatments).  THEN there was an "Operation Condor" in which Chilean Air Force flew cargo planes over the the ocean - each "prisoner" (having been through tortured at one of five detention camps) was blind-folded and had his/her hands tied behind him attached to a HEAVY metal bar (that would sink).  When the "green light" was deployed - the pilot would "open the hatch" to let all these people fall to their deaths in the ocean.  Roughly 3,500 died in the ocean, by torture, buried in mines, etc.

I am learning so, so much about Central and South American politics but what disturbs me most of all is the role the American CIA had in all of this.  I suppose their policy at the time was "ANYONE is better than a Leftist or Communist" - but they trained these opponents to become brutal killers and torturers.

Even in CHAD - U.S. CIA interfered and helped Dictator (a cruel, cruel man!) :  Hissène Habré become elected.  He had a penchant of cruelty of the worst sort.  In the presence of middle-aged women - he and his cohorts came upon a village from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. - all the women were raped and injured - but saddest of all was the 90 year old lady of one of the women - not only was she RAPED (and all others forced to watch!) but she had her eyes blinded by lit cigars.

We always think we can "learn from our historical mistakes" - but we are already in 2011 and these events still take place around the world - we ALL know where!

It makes me wonder how such torturers can sleep, eat or live - yet, they do!  The main torturer in Chile was so complacent he just ate his meal (while being interviewed) and said "Oh yes, the electric shocks go HERE, Here and There" - I will not repeat the body parts where he said they were applied.  Can't believe someone can/does admit to doing this - eats his MEAL while being interviewed and "doesn't seem to have a problem with that".

My Parents were sent to Germany with the State Department.  One story that was passed down from my Mum was about a trip my parents made to Baden-Baden.  They went to a restaurant to eat.  My parents looked at a lampshade that was quite unusual.....not knowing the material, my parents asked the Manager "what material is this lampshade made from?  I've never seen anything like it in my whole life".  The Manager SMILED (remember this was told to me second-hand) remorselessly and said PROUDLY "Oh, Sir, these lamps (there were others) are made from the SKINS of Jews!"  My father vomited right there and then and they decided this was NOT the restaurant they would like to eat at.  I often wonder if that restaurant is still there and if those hideous lamps are still there. 

People often say of people who behave cruelly "Oh, they behave like ANIMALS!!!!" - as an Animal defender, I say NO - I will not cannot accept that - these people do NOT behave like animals - they act like torturers, criminals and terrorists - animals CARE about their offspring.  Even wild stallions who combat over "territory" do so in a quite civilized manner.  No ANIMAL I know would torture their prey - some might decide to EAT an impala or bird - but they do not TORTURE them for cruelty's sake beforehand.

Wow - what a world we live in!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Nepali Children Sold by Parents, Trafficked to Circuses....

This is a rather long film (about 25 minutes) about the trafficking of Nepali children to circuses in India.  Thankfully, there are organizations on both the Nepal side and India side who have the children's best interests in heart.

Some of these children are sold by their parents for as little as $11, or in another case "2 goats"....the parents all say they believe their children would be going to a better life.  Maybe they actually do "believe that".  In reality, these children are beaten and abused in ways one can't imagine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Palestine to ask United Nations for Independence.....

RAMALLAH, West Bank -- The Palestinian president says he will ask the United Nations to endorse Palestinian independence in September even if negotiations restart with Israel.

Mahmoud Abbas' statement Wednesday signaled a hardening of his position. Previously, he had said he would turn to the U.N. only if peace talks remain deadlocked.
Negotiations have been stalled for nearly three years, and U.S. diplomats have been trying to revive the talks.
Abbas' comments to Palestinian officials in the West Bank city of Ramallah indicate he is preparing for a confrontation with Israel and the U.S.
The two countries oppose the U.N. move, saying disputes should be resolved through negotiations. The Palestinians acknowledge a U.N. vote would be largely symbolic, but believe it would send a message to Israel. 

The people in Palestine deserve to be free.  They have been treated as second-class citizens for decades.  Their movements within their own lands are restricted....even what can/cannot be imported to them has been restricted.  Israeli policy is that Palestinians did not "own" the land, using the same feeble excuse that USA used to take over the lands of Native Americans because they did not "own" (officially, with deeds) the land - but that doesn't give the Israeli government the right to treat the Palestinians as second-class citizens.  Let us hope for freedom for Palestine, and let us also hope for peace.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

By the Way - I Oppose Anti Semitic and Other Comments....

By the way - I oppose anti-Semitic comments (and they are quite common in USA) - "you know how Jews are!" I hear....I reply "yes, actually I do know how they are - very kind, very caring".

There was an event when a destitute Jew needed a place to put up (we were willing to help out) - so MANY people commented "Huh!  Never knew there was such a THING as a DESTITUTE JEW!!  Aren't they all wealthy?" - I also defended that remark. 

There are some really warped preconceptions.

LIKEWISE there are warped preconceptions about people of Chinese origin.  I can't tell you how many times a former teacher told me about a Chinese student who wasn't "normal for Chinese" - he had a "learning disability!"   Well guess what - why should Chinese be any different from any other ethnic group on earth??  Are we to assume that ALL Chinese are SUPER-smart and that when one finds one who has learning disabilities they are the RARE exception??  Likewise, are we supposed to assume that all Jews are FILTHY RICH and the unfortunate Jew who needs some assistance is out there in space.

People sometimes think that ethnic/racial bias only happens to those who are "underachievers" but there is just as much prejudice against those whom society deems to be "overachievers" or "born wealthy" or "born super-smart".

I think people should just be taken on a one-on-one basis and only be taken for the way they treat one individually, not as a "group".

If you believed even HALF the nonsense there is out there, then you would believe that ALL Muslim men beat their wives, ALL Chinese are super-intelligent, ALL Jews are extremely wealthy, ALL Mexicans are on the lazy side, etc.

Let us try to meet people on a one-to-one basis and destroy some of these horrible myths. 

TROUBLE = Two Women in Same Kitchen.....

Hey folks, I don't make this stuff up.  TWO WOMEN in SAME kitchen EQUALS TROUBLE - this is a century old Chinese character to reflect same.  The "two women under same kitchen" is also the symbol for TROUBLE:

If it LOOKS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.......Watch out!!

Have recently had my hours cut (isn't that a sign of the times?) so went online to look for another part-time job.  Gosh - one stood out right away!!  It was part-time, home-based.  The job title was "office assistant" (but these kinds of jobs also are listed as "administrative assistant", "personal assistant").  The requirements sound reasonable - receive and send out mail, run errands, help busy executive with scheduling and purchasing airline tickets (things a regular administrative assistant does anyway).

So, I applied for one and received an IMMEDIATE response.  In this case the CEO was a married woman with "two wonderful children" (that phrase alone put the hairs on the back of my neck up) strangers don't usually tell you how "wonderful" or "not wonderful" their children are.  In fact, they usually don't discuss their family at all in a first email.  She didn't have time for a proper interview as she was currently in Australia, but she LIKED my resume and felt confident I was the "right person" for this job.

She would, she said, (if I provided her with bank information) deposit an amount into my account with which I would buy toys for several orphanages (she would give me a list at a later time).  She had a trustworthy admin. assistant, but the assistant became too ill to work (more likely, the poor thing was arrested).

The hairs on the back of my neck REALLY stood up.  Why would I give any of my banking information to a total stranger?  Why would a total stranger send me money without having met me?  I am a notorious "Googler" - I don't trust anything except Google (sometimes I even Google stories heard on National Public Radio!).  So I began to Google her name - nothing came up.  I began to Google some of the so-called companies she represented and........................BINGO!!!  Someone else wrote in to the FRAUD line - the letter he received was slightly different (but same premise) - the CEO who wrote him was a married man with "3 wonderful children" and could tell by his resume that he was the RIGHT person for the job.  His CEO was in Great Britain, but like the one who wrote to me - said he would send him some money for some charities if the guy provided his banking information.

Let me warn you - in this time and age when jobs are rare - more and more money-launderers are using this ruse to get some unsuspecting person to launder their dirty (from drugs, or stolen) money.  Oh yes, you might purchase airline tickets "for your boss" (whose name and address will be so fictitious no-one will ever find him/her) - but I guarantee you will be using some poor soul's stolen credit card.  And the one who will get arrested is NOT this fictitious person in England or Australia - it will be you!!

It's a real shame, because being a real Administrative Assistant is a respectable profession and these money-launderers are using that term to catch anyone who might be jobless to do all their dirty deeds.  I reported this person to the Fraud tip line and to the company who advertised the job, but for every one of these that falls, there are hundreds that spring up.

Be wary; be careful.  If a job looks a little too good to be true....chances are - it is!!  Don't ever give out your banking information to anyone, and don't give out your social security number either (unless you are signing a job contract face-to-face with a legitimate company or filling out an I-9).       

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dead Peasant's Insurance.....

Director Michael Moore, who is noted for making semi-documentaries about contraversial subjects directed a film called "Capitalism: A Love Story".  That was the first time I heard the term "dead peasant's insurance".  It sounded like such an antiquated phrase - something that hailed from medieval times.  But indeed it was something taking place here and now.

Michael Moore named some of the companies that took out this insurance on their employees.  He named names, I am not going to.  Here is how it works.  Company ABCD has 300 employees.  There is always a possibility that out of 300 employees a few will die (illness, accident, old age, etc.).  So without the employees' knowledge or permission the Company takes out "dead peasant insurance" on each employee with an insurance company.  It is a "bet" if you will that if the employee dies....the Company (not the family of the deceased!) gets a premium.  Can you believe such a thing?  Oh yes, it happens.

They changed the name from "dead peasant insurance" to "corporate-owned life insurance" but the concept is exactly the same and it is still being done without employees' permission or knowledge.  It started out as a tax "shelter" for companies because death insurance benefits are not taxable, so it was a great way for company to gain tax-free money.

September 11th - 10-year Anniversary..

Today is the 10th anniversary of September 11th - a day that took (in total with planes, World Trade Centre buildings, Pentagon and Flight 11 that went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania......AND the many who died from various lung cancers from inhaling toxic fumes trying to save lives) over 3,500 lives.

It was not an "American" tragedy - it was a WORLD tragedy.  I'd heard there was at least 1 person represented in the World Trade Centre Towers from EVERY single nation in the world. 

Almost every adult can remember what he or she was doing on that day.  I was at work and the communications officer had a TV in his office.  Someone came running - saying a plane crashed into the World Trad Centre.  Everyone's first thought was a SMALL plane and that it was an accident.  So we all packed into the room to see the footage and just as we were watching that horror.....the second plane crashed through the South Tower.  It was all unfolding before our eyes.  I had a sister in New York City and my first thought was to call her, to see if she was OK (although her office was in Queens, she often went in to Manhattan on various days to work).  The phone lines were all busy.  The receptionist where I worked had a brother who to go to a job interview that morning with Morgan Stanley in the South Tower.  She was sick with worry as anyone else would be....trying to reach her brother's cell phone but all lines in/out of New York were busy.  Earlier, some phones in New York must have been working because many who were trapped in the World Trade Centre called their loved ones before perishing.

Meanwhile we were in shock.....then more news came in about a plane crashing into the Pentagon, and slowly about Flight 93 that went down in Pennsylvania.  We felt vulnerable as never before.  Rumours were flying left and right and fear was all around us.  Still, we were all unified in our fear.  And for many weeks to follow - the colour of a person's skin was invisible (how I wish that part would last forever!) because we were altogether.  Everyone KNEW someone who was killed - even if it was a cousin of a neighbour's second cousin and we all grieved....grief knew no skin colour or ethnicity.  We held vigils with candles for the victims and we prayed for all the rescue workers and their families.

Then the incredible incidents were revealed - someone whose turn it was to buy doughnuts for the office and got stuck in traffic.  It wasn't his turn to die.  Our receptionist's brother was OK - the brave director of security for Morgan Stanley (who lost his own life going BACK into the South Tower to look for more)...DEFIED the orders to stay put.  He led all 2,700 employees (and the receptionist's brother) out of the building before the second plane struck.  Another World Trade Centre employee's alarm failed to sound and she woke up an hour and a half late for work.  It wasn't her turn to die.  My sister in New York City was OK.

The days ahead were cloaked in extreme pain and sorrow.  My mother had passed away the month before and my first thought was "thank God she didn't have to witness this".

We thought of all the fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts who would not be going home to their families ever again.  President Bush called it "evil" and that was the EXACT word - it WAS evil!!  There was great unity in the nation in the weeks and months to follow.

Much later, we would learn that new victims were claimed - because they inhaled the toxic dust and fumes in an effort to help save lives.

The attacks were vulgar, evil, senseless and stabbed each and every one of us in the heart like a knife.  Ten years later, my family and I cried our eyes out as the ceremonies commenced, as the names of the victims were read.  The UNITY that we all felt on that day was there again today.

May there never be another such attack.      

Thursday, September 8, 2011

OBE "Order of the British Empire"

I'm beginning to wonder what one must achieve/accomplish in order to earn the OBE "Order of the British Empire", which is equated to "knighthood". 

I attach a list of some who have receive the OBE.  Some I understand: Julie Andrews, Peggy Ashcroft, David Attenborough, Richard Attenborough, Shirley Bassey, David Beckham, Michael Caine, Jackie Chan (honourary MBE 1989), Charles Chaplin, Agatha Christie, Petula Clark, Gladys Cooper, Peter Cushing, Plácido Domingo (honourary KBE 2002), David Frost, James Galway, Bill Gates (honourary KBE 2005), Barry Gibb (Bee Gees), Maurice Gibb (but I refuse to believe youngest brother Robin Gibb- of Bee Gees who lived & died by drugs also received an OBE!), Jane Goodall (she deserved it most of all!), Alec Guiness, George Harrison (Beatles), Alfred Hitchcock, Bob Hope (honourary KBE 1980), Anthony Hopkins,  Tom Jones, Deborah Kerr (CBE 1998), Ben Kingsley (CBE 2000), Christopher Lee, John Lennon (Beatles, Lulu (I QUESTION THIS ONE!!!), Paul McCartney, Steve McQueen (CBE 2011), Dudley Moore, Roger Moore, Robert Morley, Liam Neeson, Olivia Newton-John, Cathleen Nesbitt, Om Puri (honourary OBE 2004), Pelé (honourary KBE 1998), Anthony Quayle, Lynn Redgrave, Michael Redgrave, Vanessa Redgrave, Cliff Richard, J.K. Rowling, Jean Simmons, Maggie Smith, Steven Speilberg (honourary KBE 2001), Peter Ustinov and a LOT MORE who have made little or NO impact on anyone's life. 

Here's a complete list:

One I REALLY coudn't believe (but alas it's true) is British "actress/singer" Jane Birkin:
who was awarded OBE.  Geeeeeeeez - this lady had ONE big hit (in 1969) in which she moaned and groaned with Serge Gainsbourg in "Je T'aime....Moi Non Plus" - hey, I have moaned and groaned a lot more - once when I accidentally cut my hand with a knife and had to go to E.R., and another time when I broke my little finger I was MOANING and GROANING - no-one gave me the OBE!!!

Moreover, I'm beginning to wonder what one has to do to become an OBE - they've forgotten the really great stars/celebreties like: Julie Christie, Trevor Howard, singer Matt Monroe....and (duh!) Cary Grant!  And what about Sean Connery????

I think these "knighthood" awards must be awarded randomly - maybe by the compliments paid to the Queen's hat??  TOO many on the list should be taken off and all those in bold SHOULD be knighted! - posthumously or living. 

Why Do We Love Spicy Food???

Our family loves spicy foods - the more chilies the better!!  It probably helped that we were all raised on Mexican Baby Food:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

There Are Times It's Best Not to Answer the Door......

Here we were, all snuggled up watching a nice Hindi film when we heard someone ringing our doorbell.  "Who could it be?" we all wondered, knowing that our neighbours on both sides were away on holiday.

Luckily, we looked through the peep hole, and this is what we saw:

How Could Anyone With Intelligence Go With the Republican Party?

The two major players in political parties are the Democratic Party and Republican Party.  President Obama is of the Democratic Party.  I listen day after day (as next year is a Presidential year) to the rhetoric of the Republican Party and cannot believe what I'm hearing.

One Republican candidate wants to lower taxes for corporations so that more jobs open up.  If you look at a state like Nevada which already has the lowest corporate taxes of USA....the job unemployment rate is at was at 14% when President Bush was in office.  So we know that "strategy" doesn't work.  Moreover, almost every Republican is backed by a huge corporation who (in exchange for paying for multi-million dollar campaign ads) in turn expect "favours".

Moreover - they try to "appeal" to the conservative Christian vote by talking against abortion and gay marriage.  Listen, these are very private, individual decisions that should not be allowed to be discussed in the political realm..

Worst of all - I have yet to meet a Republican who believes in Global Warming.  If anything, they have Sarah Palin's words (referring to crude oil drilling) of  "Drill, baby, drill!!!" - at any impact to our environment.  If Republicans don't believe in Global Climate do they account for melting ice at the polar caps or rise in sea levels?

We had 8 years of a Republican (Bush) in the White House and he is the one who led us down this economic path to begin with.

Republicans have "problems with" letting those Americans who make $400,000 or more per year pay higher taxes.  Duh.....that is because almost all the CEO's of these giant corporations (who control the strings of Republican candidates) make over 1-100 MILLION dollars annually.  So of course the Republican Party doesn't want their "friends" to be taxed at a higher rate.

Then there are the Republican candidates who claim God has personally spoken to them.  Please - God knows better than to hang out with the Republicans.  In fact, the last President God spoke to (and still speaks to) was former President Jimmy Carter (a Democrat) - this man was the most humanistic person we've ever had in the White House.  In his free time (although retired) he helps build "Habitat for Humanity" houses (yes, he's out there with a hammer and nails).  He still teaches Bible Class in his small Georgian town, and he is also called over the world as a Peace maker.

Sadly, when Jimmy Carter was in office as President - Americans ridiculed him as a "country bumpkin".  He was, in fact, the closest person we will ever have to Mahatama Gandhi - and the people were too stupid to recognize a GREAT soul.  Jimmy Carter was not appreciated.  There is a saying about "casting pearls before swine" - and Jimmy Carter was a pearl; he still is.

President Obama is doing as good a job as he can considering what his predecessor left him with.  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sino-Indian War of 1962.....

There is one thing people of Kashmir and Jammu should know - China was about to swallow their territory in 1962 (along with Bhutan, Ladakh, parts of Nepal, parts of then Western Pakistan).  China had already taken over Tibet in 1959 and the exiled Dalai Lama was offered refuge in Dharmasala, India. 

We already know what happened to "religion" when China invaded Tibet - many monks and nuns were shot; many temples defiled. 

Whether you want to believe it or not - had India allowed China to swallow up Kashmir and Jammu - Islam would have been the first thing the Chinese would have tried to kill.  At the time, Chairman Mao said "Religion is POISON".  But India fought under Nehru's orders to protect all these regions from being eaten up by China in the Sino-Indian War of 1962.  The Indian Army fought bravely - read more of this war at:

If any of you in Kashmir feel you would have been "better off" under Chinese rule, please read more about how Uighurs (Chinese Muslims) are treated to this very day.  A peaceful march in 2009 by Uighurs (who are unfairly treated) was turned into a bloodbath by Chinese police:

Some of those in Kashmir may not care very much for the Indian Army - but I see them as heroes who have protected all those areas mentioned from becoming a part of China.  What makes Kashmiris think they would have been treated any differently than China's Muslim Uighurs had Kashmir fallen into Chinese hands?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The "Dirty War" in Argentina.....

Wow!!!  We watched in horror a documentary made by an Argentine who escaped and went to USA as a refugee.  It was about the "Dirty War" that took place from roughly 1976 to 1983 (although some "disappearances" occurred as early as 1973).  It is estimated that between 9,000 to 30,000 young Argentines involved in "Left Wing" activities to reduce the power of the militaristic regime started by the Perons (and the Perons were fond admirers of the Italian dictator, Mussolini!)....."disappeared".  This initiative started during the Peron "regime" but when the Peron government was overthrown by a military junta, things escalated in trying to eradicate anyone connected to or sympathetic to the ERP political party, which was Left Wing.   ERP members were rounded up (sometimes the military liked to round them up on their birthdays, thinking their guard would be let down on that day)...what a cruel psychological "game".  They were tortured, raped, if the young women had babies - the babies were adopted "out" to military or police families.  There were actual "torture stations" in Buenos Aires - and all of this was "sanctioned" by then US Dept. of State Secretary Henry Kissinger who stated publicly that he felt the current President of Argentina was doing a good job to keep it's country in check.  If Americans can't find this disgusting, then there is something wrong with them.  What a horrible breach of Human Rights:  they were blind-folded, tortured, raped and eventually dropped ALIVE from airplanes into the Rio Plata to their deaths.

One of the infamous killers and torturers (nicknamed "the Turk") had visited an Argentine family (she was a Jewish refugee from Germany during WWII).  Sometimes he would bring her son and daughter-in-law to visit (they were being held at a "detention centre").  He would cruelly notice the speakers the elderly Mrs. Weiss had and would say "My, what a grand sound system you have.  Would you play some Wagner for me?"  - he knew she was a Jewish refugee from Germany and he KNEW that when millions of Jews were marched to the gas chambers the Germans loved to play Wagner.  It was a cat-and-mouse psychological game.  He told Mrs. Weiss that they were now thinking of a plan to possibly rehabilitate ERP members and that her son and daughter-in-law (who were allowed to visit only with this guard once a month or so) were two that were being considered for this plan.  In the end, they were tortured and murdered.

Later, he was interviewed and for a while there was a blanket "Amnesty" for all those who had taken part in these cruel tortures and murders.  With coldness in his eyes (when asked to NAME NAMES) he admitted that he had killed the "Weiss couple" (her son and son's wife). 

Once tortured enough to reveal names of other ERP party members and locales.....the youths were stuffed into an airplane and dropped ALIVE into the Rio Plata to their deaths.  I am definitely NOT a "Left Wing" person, but kidnapping, torture, rape and killing is wrong and a violation of Human Rights.  

What brought us to tears when we saw the documentary was that EVERY May - all the mothers of "missing children" rally with photos of their kidnapped children....what a sad, sad event that is.  It is an event that still takes place in Buenos Aires every single May.

One story of a woman who escaped to Uruguay was really emotional.  She left Argentina with her mother on false papers.  She carried two cyanide pills for HERSELF, knowing if caught she would be tortured and killed but the mother would have been left alone.  She and her mother boarded the plane headed for Montevideo, Uruguay.  Suddenly, the plane was stopped and turned around.  Fearing that at ANY moment the door of the plane would be opened and that she would be hauled off to a detention/torture camp....the daughter told her mother "Mom, if that door opens, I am going to swallow these two cyanide pills because I can't endure what would come if they took me away.  If you love me, what you can do to help is to block my face with your body so that they can't make me spit out the pills".  This was a REAL conversation that took place.  She saw that the reason the plane was stopped was because some of the luggage had not been properly loaded; the plane door was never opened.  Can you imagine this??  This isn't a work of fiction, but of fact.

Anyway - if you want to learn more about Argentina's "Dirty War" - please go to Wikipedia:

Many friends wonder why I write about such gruesome events in history, but I firmly believe that unless we examine these events and LEARN from them, we might let them happen again, and that would be a horrible shame.

"Anchor Babies" - what a bigoted phrase!

We once went to an Immigration Reform rally as we believe the laws need to be changed.  I consider myself a "worldly" person, but some lady on the opposite side yelled  "Take your ANCHOR BABIES and go back to Mexico!"

My husband and I had to ask a friend of ours. "Um, what are anchor babies?" (in my mind I was picturing a poor baby born with a birth defect shaped like an anchor).  He explained what this bigoted, racist term was.  Almost always, the term in directed to those of Mexican origin who came to the country illegally, then bore a child.  Because the child was born in USA, the child could not be deported.  So, those opposed to any Immigration Reform began to call these children born in USA "anchor babies".....meaning that once the undocumented woman had an American-born child they could not be deported.  This simply isn't true!!  One of the most famous cases was that of Mexican-born Elivira Arellano who was scheduled by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to be deported, for being an undocumented person.  She didn't want to leave her son, Saul, to be raised by himself....after all, he was only 8 years old.  Legally, Saul could not be deported since he was a U.S. citizen....but his mother COULD (and WAS!!).  That is why I find people who throw that term around "anchor babies" don't understand that having a child born in USA does not keep the parent from being deported.

Yes, Elvira could "invite" her son to accompany her to Mexico when she was being deported (and by the way, Mexico doesn't necessarily HAVE to accept him just because his mother is a Mexican citizen).....but his being a U.S. citizen doesn't have any influence at all on her status.  So not only is the phrase quite racist, but it also is untrue.

Elvira had to leave her son with a Human Rights worker.  She could call him, but she would never be able to come visit him in USA.  After a few years Saul was put on a plane by his guardian to Mexico so he could be with his Mum.... (by the way - that's the OTHER part of it....when Elvira was deported she had only a few seconds to say goodbye to Saul and told him to stay with the Human Rights Worker).......there is no legality in any of this.  There were no papers signed to give guardianship - she had seconds and turned him over to a woman she scarcely knew.  Luckily, the woman took good care of him, but she had no papers that made her a "legal guardian".  When undocumented aliens (parents of children born here) are deported - sometimes they only have a few seconds or minutes to choose a "guardian" for their child or baby - neighbour, friend, etc.  Imagine having to leave your child with a total stranger.  So how do these children act as "anchors"??  Instead they are in tears as they see their mothers or fathers being taken away as if they were terrorists or hardened criminals.  The children are "forgotten" in all of this.  These cases separate families.

After 9-11 there was "terrorist fever" in USA and all people could think of was that we must "protect our borders".  But it was then used as a blanket bill to arrest and deport as many Mexicans as possible - apple pickers, tomato pickers, grape pickers, cotton pickers.....oh yeah, these are true "terrorists"!!!.....if not deported they might  "terrorize us" by throwing tomatoes, apples and grapes at all of us!!

Sadly - Immigration Reform is a black and white issue - there is no grey area here.  People are either vehemently opposed to any reform at all, or in favour of it.  It is a topic most politicians avoid like the plague (especially close to election time!).  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Silent Prayer For Those who have Alzheimer's and Their Families...

Alzheimer's Disease is a thief who robs one of the most precious treasures of life.....memories.  Some of the reasons we can see hope for tomorrow is because we remember a similar situation we were in and that we could solve it.  Without memories - we can't remember our parents, our siblings, our spouses, even our children and grand-children.  Without memories "life" just becomes an empty shell.  Even our faith is sometimes cruelly robbed by Alzheimer's.  I knew a lady who was deeply religious and read from the Bible daily.  I visited her often because her children didn't visit her.  One day she just said "I love....I love....oh, I can't remember his name".  But she had her Bible close to her and pointed angrily at it - "him!"  "Jesus?"  "Yes, that's his name.  I love Jesus".  I wanted to cry (but didn't want her to see me that way)....what a cruel trick Alzheimer's had played on even robbed her of her faith and that was all she had to lean on.   But I had NO DOUBTS in my my mind.....she loved Jesus and He loved her! 

Today I heard the news that country singer/composer Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's and he is doing one last tour before retiring.  I never cared for his music or his songs (it just isn't my style of music)....but I feel badly for anyone who has Alzheimer's....and their family as the first thing I did was pray for him and his family. 

I've never tried drugs and certainly at my age have no desire to try them.....but from what I've read of people who took LSD....they went into a "Alice in Wonder World" where everything was exaggerated or spinning or dizzy.....and it makes me wonder if the minds of those with Alzheimer's go into a similar dismal abyss where they have no control.  We can never know what goes on within an Alzheimer's patient's mind.....we can see brain images but that only tells us what stage the disease is in.  It doesn't tell us what they think or what they struggle with.

I knew a brilliant physics professor who had written numerous books on physics.  He developed Alzheimer's and when I found out he was moved to a facility close to where I lived, I went to visit him.  I did not expect him to remember me (we were friends, he was never my professor); he didn't.  But I had heard one of his lectures on video.....BRILLIANT man!.....and the man who sat before me crying and drooling was not the same man.  Since his children didn't visit him, I liked to visit him often and did so until the day he was no more on this earth.  Sometimes I could just sit quietly with him and hold his hand.  Sometimes he recoiled and did not want anyone to touch him.  A few times he said a word, usually just "water" (but pronounced more like "wawa").  I'd go and get him a cup of water and would hold it for him to drink, but he didn't want to drink it.  Sadly, I think that "water" was the only word he had remembered.  He didn't know it, but every time I held his hand I prayed for God to please release him from this horrible prison.  I do not judge his children for not visiting.  Perhaps it was unbearable for them to see their once healthy, intelligent, loving Dad in such a state.  I would leave the nursing home with a little anger in my heart.  Why did such a brilliant man have to be robbed of his dignity, his spirit, his humour, his intelligence, his great love for humanity??  What kind of rotten thief is this Alzheimer's Disease to leave people in this manner?

I pray every day for a cure for Alzheimer's.  One of my sister's died in her sleep.  The autopsy revealed she had died from "hardening of the arteries".  The day before she was fine - in fact we'd spoken on the phone (we called one another every week like clockwork, which was about all we could do since she lived 3 time zones away from me).  She was looking forward to going to lunch with her friend the next day (actually, her friend was the one who suspected something was wrong).  It was hard to lose a sister at such a young age (she was only 59).  She had Diabetes Type II but it was under control with a careful diet.  She'd just had a check-up a few months prior and was fine.  BUT - as hard as it was to lose her (and I still miss her!  you have no idea how many times I wanted to pick up the phone to call her only realizing she was gone) - she went quickly and in her sleep.  And every day I thank God again and again that she didn't develop Alzheimer's or Cancer which would have robbed her of her dignity.

I lost another sister to cancer, but until she went into coma the last week prior to her death....she was alert and joking and able to carry on a conversation.

More people than we will ever know have died from Alzheimer's Disease.  In some cases, if the person is a celebrity they often "cover it up" (which they have every right to do).  More often - the person are our uncles, our friends, our neighbours who are not celebrities.

Dear God, this is a fervent prayer from the bottom of my heart: "I pray that a cure be found for this horrible disease, and in the interim - I pray for the caretakers and family and victims of this disease".        

Friday, September 2, 2011

What to Do about the Inequity of African-American Males Being Incarcerated

Day upon day - we hear (and I believe these figures) about the inequity of African-American males who are incarcerated.  It's disproportionate; and I agree with that. 

What I don't hear (from ANY side) is a "solution" just a constant reiteration of THE PROBLEM.  Actually, what would be the solution??  "OK - today we're letting 12% of our African-American inmates FREE" says the warden....."no, you there of Chinese-American STAY!"  I find it ridiculous to even be brought up.  It's like saying "there is a lot of unhealthy fat in French Fried potatoes" - yeah, so how does one make French Fried potatoes without the fat?  It's like saying "Oh, there's a huge hole in the ship and it's sinking".  That's good/bad to know but how do we FIX it??? 

Is the solution to order Law Enforcement only to arrest a certain percentage of African-American males?  "No, sorry - we can't arrest that bank robber, as we've already made our QUOTA of African-American arrests for the month!  Let him go free".  We know that can't be the solution either.

I guess I'm too ignorant to understand why this topic is constantly brought up while there are no solutions accompany it.  I agree - there ARE too many African-American males in prisons in USA.  So what's the next step? 
This is the only country in the world that can "pick, pick, pick" with all its inequities be they racially-motivated or religiously-motivated.  America, who is SO ISOLATED from the rest of the world sees only from WITHIN and nothing more.  Ask any American about Libya and chances are 50% won't even be able to point out Libya on a map.  Injustices happen ALL OVER the world, but Americans feel only OUR inequities should be addressed and that's pretty SELFISH.  There are people who don't even know where Somalia is let alone that there are children there starving.  Ask the average American where Amritsar is and they might reply "uh, eh, er, somewhere in Upstate New York?"  Ask someone where the Azore Islands are!

I definitely don't have any answers how to solve the inequity of incarceration of African-American males.  I don't have any answers at all.  If someone has a solution - please not only tell me, but write to NPR (National Public Radio) because they would love to hear a solution.   

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal.....Governor of Louisiana....

Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Amar and Raj Jindal who emigrated to USA from Punjab, India 6 months before he was born.....Piyush "Bobby" Jindal was America's FIRST Governor of Indian (i.e. from the country of India) ancestry and one of our youngest governors.  We have a second Governor (of South Carolina) of Indian (i.e. from the country of India) heritage named Nikki Haley whose parents hailed from Amritsar, India.  But I want to talk about "Bobby" (as he is known) Jindal in this blog.

He has handled some major disasters (such as the Gulf oil Spill) and hurricane-related flooding (he was Governor POST-"Katrina") extremely smoothly and many admire his ability to pull the people of that state together in tough times.

He graduated from Brown University (one of the better Universities in USA) with honours at age 20!!!!....and although accepted by both Harvard and Yale - he opted for Oxford for his post-graduate work.  His wife, Supriya "Jolly", is no slouch academically either - she's currently working on her Ph.D. in marketing from LSU (and the mother of 3 children).  Their first child was born with congenital heart disease and required surgery - both Bobby & Jolly are outspoken advocates for children born with congenital diseases.

Bobby was also a member of the U.S. House of Congress as a Representative.  He has never declared any desire to run for President of USA - but he would probably make a WONDERFUL President.  I only wish he were a Democrat instead of a Republican.  We do vote for the person, not the party.  We liked Obama - we still do, and voted for him.  He was left with a failing economy and 2 wars - all thanks to Bush!

Anyway - back to Bobby.  Unlike so many other Governors (we've had some real "winners" lately - the ex-Governor of South Carolina told his staff he was "walking along the Appalachian Trail" - meanwhile, he was in Buenos Aires with his mistress; New York's ex-Governor Elliot Spitzer was caught in a prostitution ring).......UNLIKE those (and others) - I haven't heard anything negative about Bobby, and have heard that he is an extremely devoted family man.  In fact, when their most recent child was due....he couldn't get his wife to hospital in time, so he delivered (with coaching over the phone from doctors) their child at home.

I really like him and his family.  BUT - I have to tell you that it is such a "refreshing" treat to hear him speak.  People from Louisiana have a very distinct accent.....VERY "Southern" as in "ya'll" (for you all), and "ya'll come back now, hear?" - very distinct accent and to see his appearance, it just seems incongruous.  Let me put it in the words of a very famous Jewish comedian Steve Guttenberg from New York who went to meet his Jewish cousins in Texas (another state with a distinct accent).....he said he was taken aback as he was introduced to cousin upon cousin in Texas - who said "Howdy!  Ya'll comin' back for the Hadasah, right?  We gonna barbeeeee-que us up some RIBS and stuff!"  Meanwhile - to hear Bobby Jindal speak with his Louisiana accent is very, very refreshing and different for us, but we love him (I haven't met a person yet who dislikes him).

I feel good that America is READY to put aside many prejudices.  Electing an African-American President was a FIRST in a country where the greater population is Anglo.  I'm very proud he is our President.  And I feel good that America is READY for not one but TWO Governors whose ancestors came from India.  We have a long way to go, but it's a start. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yippee - Yvonne has been found!!

Yvonne - Germany's cow who escaped the slaughterhouse since MAY and went into hiding was finally FOUND today!!!  She will be moved to a SANCTUARY where she will be able to live out her life until the day she passes normally.  What a GREAT ending!!!  To read more, click here:

She is SO, SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How could anyone EAT her??

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Mr. and Mrs. Iyer"....a film worth watching....

There is a great film from 2002 called "Mr. & Mrs. Iyer" - it's mostly English, some Hindi, some Tamil.  It holds a great deal of information about some of the absurd prejudices between Hindus and Muslims, and it explains some orthodox Hindu traditions (such as not drinking directly from a bottle).  But it GROWS to be inclusive of all mankind.

It was written and directed by Aparna Sen who was an actress in India in the 1960's - I can think of one great film she was in "The Guru" (supposed to be story of late Beatle George Harrison).  Ironically, her daughter (who turns out to be one great actress!) is in this story: "Konkona Sen Sharma" as an Orthodox Hindu (Tamil) on a bus ride that changes along the way and turns into a labyrinth of mystery and forlorn love.

If you can't see the film, please enjoy the main theme "Don't Look Away" remix:

Two people who are meant to be together for a while, change their views and prejudices, then "look away".

Good Ole' Uncle Arturo

I had an Uncle who was such a spendthrift that he “squeaked” (just kidding) when he walked.  Uncle Arturo (or “Art” as we called him – he even skimped on his name!) was a rare breed.  He cut his own hair – “why pay a barber?” he would say.  He cut his wife’s and two daughters’ hair (although many times they cried with the end results).  “Why pay a hairdresser?” he would say.  He even took toilet paper from public restrooms.  “Why BUY toilet paper when I can get it for free?”.  I can tell you some stories about Uncle Art that would put hair on your chest.  He wouldn’t buy his family a TV – “Why should I?  I have a perfectly good radio and can listen to radio for free!”.  Uncle Art didn’t even believe in washing towels (and their towels were so dingy we were afraid to even touch them!) – his theory was “One is CLEAN when one uses a towel, so why waste water and soap to wash it??”

He put a 5-minute timer on the shower and if one showered longer than that, one was rudely awakened by ice cold water.  Again… was to save money.  Lights out by 10:00 p.m. because he didn’t want a high electric bill.  He rode a bicycle to work (“Hey!  Why should I spend perfectly good money on gasoline when I can get my exercise and save money at the same time?). 

But there is a really sad ending to the story.  I don’t really know WHAT he was saving all that money FOR.  He and his wife were sadly killed in a car accident and their 2 daughters (then in their early twenties) inherited all their money.  LET me TELL you……those two girls went through their Dad & Mum’s life-savings in about 6 months!!!!….and it was a fortune they were left!  They ran out and bought expensive cars, homes well beyond their eventual means (they didn’t THINK about property taxes, etc.)  They had their nails manicured and feet pedicured….at a very costly price.  They went to hair salons that charged $40 a haircut.

SADLY – I thought about Uncle Art.  He was a good man who lived a very honest life (as did Aunt Maria).  But what did all that scrimping and saving achieve???   Their daughters lost their houses to bankruptcy and had not a penny in their accounts when all was said and done.

I compared Uncle Art’s life to our own.  Yes, I know how to cut my husband’s hair and my daughter’s hair (although both screamed when I cut it the first time) – but we are in an economic recession – so I save money (for whom when I die?) and make a barber and hair salon go out of business because I’ve not given them any business??  Doesn’t the economy depend on consumer spending?

Sure, I could get a roll of toilet paper from every public toilet I visited, but that would be STEALING, and I don’t mind spending on that and keeping some toilet-paper industry employees in jobs.  I could ride a bicycle to work and back to save money – but how would that be helping the economy?

There comes a time when we have to WEIGH what we contribute to the economy vs. what we can do for free.  Of course we can do many things for free – but where does that leave the economy?  There has to be BALANCE in what we do.  Fanaticism to any degree doesn’t work and since tomorrow is never PROMISED to us – we never know…..a car accident COULD take our lives, then perhaps all we’d scrimped and saved would go (perhaps in trust if it’s a minor) to our offspring…..but they may decide to use it to put in CRYSTAL stairways and golden doors.  We don’t know what they’ll do.

After knowing the story of Uncle Art my theory is – it’s perfectly OK to do “green” things like grow one’s own garden with veggies.  And it’s not a bad idea (although we would never set the timer for that) to limit showers to 10 minutes to save water.  But the rest???  We have to let others make a living or our whole economy goes DOWN.  And that might mean a hairdresser or barber or gas (petrol) station closes because of lack of customers.  Everything has a chain reaction.  We want the economy to go up?  We want our investments to increase?  Then we'd best contribute to getting the economy on its feet again by helping keep jobs alive and well. 

I AM still upset over dishwashing detergents and how they are gradually making it impossible to open the tops, but MOSTLY because of ecology…..I don’t want to throw plastic bottles away!  Our recycling won’t accept such plastic bottles unless they’re RINSED and CLEAN – but how does one rinse and clean if the top won’t come off??

There is a MIDDLE road for everything in life.  We can’t follow Uncle Art because we will see that his heirs spend their money on nonsense.  Yes, the MIDDLE road is good.