I just talked to a lady who has worked for a local hospital for over 35 years (and would like to continue to do so had it not been for back surgery). After 3 months - the hospital CUT HER BONE DRY of insurance and left her on the raft of "COBRA" - anyone who has ever paid a COBRA knows how expensive that is. She is nowhere near CURED and has to pay some $300+ per session for physical therapy (which will last a long while). Her sister is housing her and taking care of her meanwhile. The family all went down to Social Services to ask for a few months of assistance. "Do you have a teenage grand-daughter who is pregnant?" was the first question. "No" she replied. "Do you rent?" "No, I own my home" - "THEN you don't qualify for a cent! Goodbye!!"
I know a lady who has 9 children by 9 different "fathers" (she is only married to ONE of them, who is in prison, the other 8 were born out of wedlock) and yes, she DOES rent (although she has a degree in nursing) - she is eligible for ALL the Welfare and COUPONS (food stamps) - but our friend who who had back surgery is not eligible for anything because she doesn't have pregnant teenaged grand-daughters and because she owns a home, not renting. Can anyone ELSE besides me see something wrong with this system??? Our "system" pays you to be "immoral" - hey, if you have babies out of wedlock, you're "guaranteed" a Welfare and WIC check.
Our Daughter has VOWED to move to Canada as an emigrant and as such "invite" us to come as well. God, I hope so. At least we would be "set" financially as far as health benefits go. Furthermore, I feel they are more willing to try more innovative treatments in Canada than in USA. I have a cousin with pancreatic cancer and though I am CONSTANTLY reminded by an American "friend" - "he won't last more than 6 months". Whatever they are doing in Canada, it has already been over 2 years since the diagnosis and he is not only alive, he appears quite well.
This meeting of a friend (who works for same hospital as my husband) scared us immensely. It means - it's OK to get sick, so long as it's not longer than 3 months??? What kind of "insurance" is this???
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