Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fennel Tea

Fennel Tea has so many benefits - it soothes the stomach as well as colon; it acts as a natural diuretic; it's soothing for colds and flus; it is a good source of both Vitamins B & C; it can help lower cholesterol levels, tastes great and can keep your breath fresh throughout the day.  It also should be drunk in "moderation" - TOO many cups of fennel tea can cause gas, bloating.  So I recommend no more than 2 cups a day.  Also - pregnant women should not drink it since can act as a uterine stimulant.

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

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