Saturday, May 28, 2011

Have you ever tried a simple "I'm Sorry"?

So many close, good relationships end because one or the other has had feelings hurt and sadly, sometimes neither one is "right" or "wrong".  I remember a poem a dear Indian friend wrote to me for my birthday "True friends are like gems - special and very RARE".  Kamala is (alas) gone now (and as good/kind a person she was and such a devoted Christian, I would presume she is at God's side in heaven).

But her words linger on although she passed in 2008 of cancer - we still keep touch with her husband and two wonderful kids (now GROWN!!).

I thought about how "SORRY" must look and thought about dear Kamala's words.  Too often we hurt someone's feelings and lose them as a friend.  I urge each and every one of you (me included) to send an "I'm sorry" card to all your family and friends even if you feel you've done nothing wrong.  And this is how SORRY looks like:

someone will not forgive you after sending THIS photo (and by the way, I'm sending this to each and everyone of my friends who I may have hurt unintentionally).....then, I suppose there's no hope to rejuvenate the friendship or family relationship.  THIS photo says it all!!!

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