Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hierba Mala NUNCA Muera.....

Spanish for "Old (bad) weeds never die"!  These were the words my husband told me when I had a MASSIVE heart attack in July 1998.  Was I supposed to laugh?  Hindu priest had already been called in for prayers.  I was not going to "make it" according to what was happening to my heart.  I was OK to say goodbye to all, in spite of how much I loved (and still do!) Nando - he was the one I didn't want to leave.

But just as I was at the point where I would've died Nando came out with this "Hierba Mala NUNCA Muera" (bad old weeds never die) and I chuckeld......from that point on, I also know somehow God would ordain that I would live a few more years.  That was 1998 and I STILL have not figured out what it was He wanted me to stay on earth for - but I am here for whatever reason He wishes.

I think some may think Hindus don't have a sense of humour.....

Have heard from SO many people "Oh, you're Hindu?  VERY SOLEMN religion" - not so!!!

Here's a great Hindu joke about reincarnation:  "Reincarnation???  Been there, done that!!""

And here is another Hindu "double entendre" if you will.  We basically believe there is only ONE God, although we have different names for Him or Her accoring to the form they present to us.  One form of God (Shiva) is then, it would help you to know that EVERY form of God has a "vehicle" (or pet, as one would say in English!).  Laxmi has her "elephants", Ganesh has His mouse, etc.  ANYWAY - Bhairava (who is also a form of Shiva) has His pet, who is a DOG.  Now then - I thought you all would like this beautiful must've been taken somewhere in India or Nepal and it's SO IRONIC to us.  On the wall is painted the form of God Bhairava with his little dog - and.......there at same shrine is a REAL dog seated, just as comfortably as he could be.  Please enjoy the ironic and also humourous photo.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I now comprehend why parents and grandparents don't.....

I used to wonder WHY parents and grandparents (especially of newly immigrated or those whose parents could not speak English very well) refused to tell their kids "no" or grandparents.

I should have guessed it already, having devoted over 8 years of teaching English (free) to migrant workers in Central Florida.  The parents/grandparents feel quite POWERLESS (which is why I tried to teach English)...their children and grandchildren grow up speaking ENGLISH.  I met a really cocky little 9-year old whose Mum and Dad I was teaching English.  I said "Hi Patricia" (because that was the name her Mum had told me for her daughter).  This child turned, scowled at me and said "MY NAME is NOT PATRICIA - it's PATTY, got it???"  I was not about to have a 9-yr. old put me in my place, so I said "Oh, PATTY, I wasn't speaking to you anyway - I want to speak to your Mum".  "Well, my Mum CAN'T speak ENGLISH, so either I TRANSLATE or she doesn't understand!".  In quiet, yet perfect Spanish I told Patty "Mira - no me importa que tu Mama no habla ingles porque yo hablo espaƱol perfectamente.  No te necisito para traducir...te voy a hablar si ti necisisto, entiendes PATTY?"  (ROUGHLY: Look, it doesn't matter to me that your Mum can't speak English because I speak Spanish perfectly well.  I don't really need you to "translate"....I'll "call you" if I need you, understand, PATTY?)

The POWER and CONTROL these kids (even well into their late teens) have over their non-English-speaking parents is remarkable.  The parents and grandparents are so afraid to chastise their kids/grandkids...most definitely afraid to ever tell them "no" because the kids/grandkids have all the power. 

I know plenty of undocumented aliens here in USA - and in every case, their children (or sometimes grandchildren) are little "gods & goddesses" because the parents don't want to cut off their "translator chain".

UNFORTUNATELY, I've also seen kids who take advantage of this situation.  I know an 18-yr. old who SHOULD be a Senior in High School but is a Junior - he runs all over the city on his bike and his undocumented parents are afraid to say anything; he runs with some bad kids.

We can hope that each of us teaching English makes a dent.  It's a very sad situation. 

English Cucumber/Watercress Sandwiches....

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.


Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want

Dandelion Jelly/Jam

Right now is the season that dandelions are growing all over the place - take advantage and make jam!!
Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Kiri Bath (Coconut Milk Rice)

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Indian Pilau (Rice Dish)

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Mexican Wedding Cookies

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Peach Ice (Sorbet)

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

My Mum Learned to Drive.....

Now then, I wasn't born when this incident happened, but had heard the story from both my late Mum and late Dad so I believe it to be true.

My Mum had just obtained her driver's license and she borrowed the car to take a bunch of girls camping for their Girl Guides patches (Mum was a Girl Guides Leader).  The path to the campsite was narrow and suddenly Mum heard a loud PLUNK as she ran over something metal.

Dad had already warned her to "be CAREFUL" with the car (he felt she was too new a driver to pull off this camping assignment, but let her go nonetheless....just with a lot of lecturing to be cautious, not wreck the car, not bruise or dent it in any get the picture!).  Mum and the girls disembarked.  There in the path was an old stove pipe....the kind that comes from a pot belly stove.  Mum remembered Dad's solemn words of warning, and felt surely she had caused this pipe to fall from the car....but where?  "If I tie it back on the vehicle, he'll never know!" she said.  So, with the help of all the girls they cleverly tied this stove pipe (which Mum felt SURELY had fallen from the car) underneath the car.  They had their camping session and returned home.

Dad immediately asked "you didn't wreck the car, did you?"  "Oh, no!" replied Mum.  The next day my Dad was about to drive the car to work and he heard a horrible plunking noise.  He parked the car and looked underneath......"what the heck?".  He almost couldn't believe his eyes.  Surely this was a prank?  Why would anyone tie an old stove pipe under the car?  He untied the pipe and threw it in the driveway.  By then my Mum came out sheepishly.  She was afraid he was going to shout at her for breaking the car.  Instead, he laughed with all his might.  By then, Mum realized he wasn't angry, but why was he laughing?  "So, you're the one who tied this to the car, eh?"  "Well, I didn't want to just leave the car part there in the woods!"  "It's not a car part; it's a stove pipe!"  Poor Mum never lived that one down and Dad couldn't wait to get to work to tell all his co-workers what his wife did!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The "White" Curry....

In Sri Lanka they had something called the "white" curry for people who were not born in Sri was very much toned down and mild.

I remember going to a government Rest House at Ratnapura for lunch with my parents.  As my Dad definitely did not look Sri Lankan, when he ordered "prawn curry" they brought a "white curry".  My Dad was FURIOUS!  "Do you have any idea how many years I've lived in this country?  Do you think I don't know a WHITE curry when I taste one?  I want a REAL prawn curry - the hotter the better!"  The waiter said "Oh sir, truly, I do not want the cook to harm you - this is a fine curry and a hotter one might make you ill, sir."  My Dad said "I WANT a HOT curry - like the one YOU would eat!"  "No, sir, really, it will do you harm!"  "Do I have to go talk to the cook?"  "No, sir, I will tell him to add a little more spice".

The second version was hot but my Dad's ego had already been bruised, so he called the waiter and once again said "This is a WHITE curry!!!  You tell that cook to make the most FIERY curry he has ever made in his lifetime, is that clear??"  "But, sir!  Really, you don't want...."  My Dad interrupted "Don't tell me what I want or don't want!!  HOT, HOTTER, HOTTEST - is that clear???"

After some 30 minutes the waiter returned with new prawn curries for all of us.....the poor waiter's hands were shaking as he presented it "Sir, I hope this won't harm you!".  My Dad took one bite of the curry and we could CLEARLY see it was possibly the hottest curry on earth.  My Dad's face became red and we almost saw smoke coming out from his ears.  The concerned waiter said "Sir, is it alright?"  My stubborn Dad replied (as he cleared his throat and avoided coughing) "It's fine". 

Now then - my poor Mum and I had to EAT that curry as well, and to save face for my Dad - we could not show our feelings - I felt I was CHOKING on chilies, but we ATE choice!

There were so many things about my Dad I never understood and so many things he never would tell me about his painful past, but I loved him and admired him a lot.       

Now THAT'S smooth talking!

I remember a story about my Dad when I was younger and please note I'm not boasting on his dishonesty.  I think one would have had to have hailed from his shoes to understand why he did what he did.  His father walked out the door when he was 4 years old and his sister was 2 years old.  His mother, so as not to "lose face" dressed in black and suddenly declared herself a "widow".    Anyway - he hailed from an extremely impoverished background, became a self-made man - took care of his Mum, sister, and when he married took care of all of us too.  He worked 3 jobs by day studied by night and became an electronics engineer.

But there was a side to Dad that felt as if he should always get something for nothing.  So, one day in Colombo, he decided he was going to make himself an orchid stand (he'd just become a member of the Orchid Society).  He needed lumber, naturally, and screen for shade.  Being as enterprising as Dad was....he went to a local lumber yard and told the workers to load up about 6 boards on top of our tiny car and "tie them down tightly so they don't fall off!".  The workers did as they were told, then the Assistant Manager came out asking "what's going on here??"  Oh, but my Dad was a SMOOTH talker (had never been to Ireland, but you would have sworn he had somehow managed to kiss the Blarney Stone!).  "I'm picking up the lumber Mr. De Silva gave me" (keep in mind, the surname "De Silva" in Sri Lanka is like Smith in U.K. and U.S.A.).  "Huh?  Which Mr. De Silva?" the assistant manager asked, scratching his head.  My Dad answered "SENIOR, naturally, not JUNIOR!!"  "Oh, OK".  And the assistant manager then ordered the workers to tie it up tightly so "Mr. De Silva" wouldn't get mad.....and my Dad (I was in the car, embarrassed!) drove off with the lumber....never paid a rupee for it either.  I thought surely we would go home after getting 6 long pieces of good lumber for free, but Dad had other plans.  He went to a store that sold screen and ordered about 4 meters of screen to be placed "GENTLY" and tied securely atop the lumber that was already atop our car.  This time the owner came out and asked "What are you doing?"  "Oh, don't you know?  Mr. De Silva from the lumber yard asked me to pick up some screen for him as well!  You can work it all out with Mr. De Silva!" - the owner scratched his head and asked "which Mr. De Silva?"  My Dad (without flinching) replied "The SENIOR one, of course!".  "Oh" said the shopkeeper and ordered the workers to load up 4 meters of screen and tie it tightly.

Of COURSE I am embarrassed that my Dad STOLE those ingredients.  Stealing is wrong.  On the other hand, I've never seen or heard such a great smooth talker!!!     

President Obama's Birth Certificate......

I find it really "amusing" that during a time when so many issues of importance are being discussed in the United States currently: Medicare, Social Security, National Deficit, an Economy that is down, Unemployment, 2 wars (whether we want them or not), rise in gas prices & other commodities......and all Donald Trump is worried about is our President's BIRTH CERTIFICATE????

Donald Trump is a total idiot and I read a really, really funny come-back on NPR's website: "I think we all need to see an official Death Certificate from Donald Trump to make sure whatever that thing is on his head is not still alive!!!"

So many pictures come to mind.....a flying squirrel that Donald has trained to sit atop his head!  Can you just PICTURE this?????

  "Sit!  Stay!!" (and if the poor critter
doesn't do what Donald wants: "You're FIRED!!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Adventures of "Stout"

Long ago, when my husband and I owned a Bed & Breakfast we had guests who had a HUGE (and I mean HUGE!!!!!) Mastiff named "Stout".  I kid you not, he was the size of a pony, but it was clear he was much loved by his Mum and Dad.  His Mum and Dad were going to a wedding that night and said they would lock "Stout" in their room.

At the time "Stout" got along so well with us all, and with our pets, so I felt badly about the poor guy spending all night up in a room by himself when he could be sharing it with us and our pets.  I insisted "Stout" can stay with us in our part of the house, so he won't be so lonely.  "Are you sure?" they asked.  "Oh sure - he's a sweet boy and I hate to leave him upstairs locked in a room.

So, upon MY insistence, "Stout's" Mum and Dad placed his "bed" in our kitchen.  I should've paid attention to the SIZE of his bed - it was almost as large as a human's twin bed and took up most of the floor.  Still, "Stout" was happy, tail wagging and I thought this was a good and kind move.

WELL - no sooner did Stout's Mum & Dad leave for the wedding when Stout (in MY kitchen) turned to me and began to GROWL.  Obviously, he felt I had something to do with the disappearance of his "parents".  When he began to growl at chicken family (husband, daughter, older dog and 3 cats) abandoned me by running down into the basement and FIRMLY shutting the door behind them.  I was left there  with Stout on my own, except for faithful "Billy" (our small rat terrier, who was determined to protect me to the end, if necessary). 

Wow - what a night!  Every time I entered my own kitchen Stout GROWLED at me as if he would eat me up alive.  I'm not usually afraid of any animal, but he SCARED me!!  I remembered an old saying "do NOT look the growling animal in the eyes!" so I avoided all eye contact as I washed the dishes (listening to his loud and mean-sounding growls all the while) - Billy clung to my feet.

No!  My family would not come out from the basement all night!  I thought "you know, this is ridiculous!  This is MY house and why should I be afraid of that growling dog in MY OWN HOUSE???"   So, I went to my office, ignoring Stout and his huge bed and snarling face.  Billy followed me like glue!  Poor Billy was shaking and shaking, but determined to "protect his Mum". 

I refused to go to the kitchen - let "Stout" stay there and growl all night - see if I care!  Billy still stuck by me, shaking all the while.  Then I heard the HUGE click-clack of Stout's marching in the hall - and a horrible smell (oh yeah, he pooped) and then he came to my office.  Would he EAT me alive?  Would I be able to save my Billy if Stout decided to devour him???  Well, I guess once Stout pooped, he was content with the world and came to me at my chair with a huge SLOBBERING (I swear there were over 2 cups of slobber) on my arm....oh, I guess he had accepted me!

I'll NEVER forget (will forgive!) my family for abandoning me and running to the basement!!  After that occasion, I no longer worried about dogs brought by owners and whom they locked in their room..

SCARY night!!!      

A Dog's Prayer by Beth Norman Harris....

We had to euthanize one of our dogs last May (and the grief still travels up and down my very soul).  There were not many poems to console me, except this one by Beth Norman Harris:

A Dog's Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.
Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.
When it is cold and wet, please take me inside... for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements... and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth... though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land... for you are my god... and I am your devoted worshiper.
Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.
And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.
--Beth Norman Harris

I just can't seem to find anything.....

We moved from one house to another (larger to smaller) in December 2008.  I was exceptionally sick at the time and could not even help pack, move or unpack.....for a while I thought I would have to be "carried in my bed" as Frida Kahlo was towards the end.

It's been 2-1/4 years and I still don't know where things are.  To say I miss the "nooks and crannies" of the old house is understatement of the year.  I just don't seem to be able to track things down, no matter how I try to "downsize" and organize.  It doesn't help that my husband AND daughter each claimed TWO dressers and 2 - 1/2 closets for themselves and left me with a 3-drawer dresser from which I can "select" my work clothes....i.e., the clothes I have to wear in order to work and help support this family.

Strange thought, but this house, although a very nice one, just doesn't feel like MY house.  I have to ask everyone else to help me search for things.  Because of this, I've lost all interest in sewing or crafts - if I have to spend half the time LOOKING for the items, I don't have the time to actually work on the crafts. 

For now - I go to work, come home, SLEEP and prepare for the next work day.  Have lost interest in things I used to love....not sure if it's the HOUSE or because I can't get over this bronchitis that has lasted since February 26th.  People ask "are you on an anti-biotic"?  Am I?????  I've been put on 3 different ones hoping one would have a good effect on me.  I have to go on a "nebulizer" 3-4 times a day in order to breathe at all.  I use a "neti pot", nasal spray.  Some  have suggested this is more an allergy than sinusitis/bronchitis....but with 3 cats and a dog - what choice do I have?

Every day that passes, I feel that I lose more and more control over myself and this house.  One would think that after 7 garage sales I wouldn't have that much to look for.....but it's not the case. would think that in a SMALLER house it would be 10 times easier to find things than in a larger house; not so.

What's on "The Other Side"?

Like many people, in spite of how I've tried to live my life in a good way, if I were totally honest with myself....I would have said "I'm afraid to die", "afraid to let go".

However, last month, my husband and I heard a very interesting story when we went to a Syrian Orthodox Church Lenten (vegetarian) dinner. Our table quickly filled up with people (some were strangers as we began, but all were friends by the time we left). A man began talking about his by-pass operation. One of the guests was a professor of African Studies at the local college who came from Capetown, South Africa. She began to discuss her near death experience (she’d had a cerebral hemorrhage that put her in a coma for a month; she is FINE now). I will change her name for the story....although she told her story openly, maybe she didn't want someone to RETELL the story.  Her memory of what she saw and felt while she was in that coma brought much peace to us. Most people who've had near death experiences talk of the "white light" or "going through the tunnel towards the white light".....but Melba's experience was distinctly different.  Actually, I never found that "white light" on the other side particularly comforting.  She appeared to be a woman in her late 50′s - a very beautiful who would stand out in a crowd because of her beauty, sense of self-assurance and knowledge of life.

Melba told us (we all sat enthralled, listening to her story) that she remembered her time in coma (which had been close to a month).  She opened her eyes (imaginarily, within the coma) and was in Capetown again…she knew immediately it was “home” because of the flora (the special types of ferns that grow there, the protea, that grow in few other places on earth), the azure coloured sky and there was her (late) mother calling to her, with great happiness.  Her mother was as she looked about 45 years ago. Melba went on to say that her mother had been kind, but also one who pushed Melba to be her best – in fact, she told Melba from a young age that “you’re going to have to work twice as hard as anyone else in this world because you’re a female and because you’re Black”.  Melba said she was also the type of mother one could NEVER lie to – her mother would know immediately if anything untrue was told to her.

Melba said that prior to this, she had been afraid of death, but “letting go” was the more pleasant of the two choices….she could hear the birds singing, see the lush, verdant plants waving in Capetown, the AZURE sky and her mother who had her arms open. It would have been a very easy and comforting place for Melba to go, and she WANTED to stay there, but every time she tried to run to her mother (oddly enough that was the only person she saw, no other late relative)…..something kept pulling her back, and that angered her because she wanted to go to this place (and it wasn’t present-day Captetown, but the Capetown of her youth). Finally, she told her mother that she couldn’t stay because there were things she’d been asked to do. Melba said her mother replied “Let me just SEE about that!” and disappeared (to check) for a while. When the mother came back she was crying instead of smiling. “My dear, I’m afraid it is true. You are not to come here at this time”. Melba felt so sad to let go of the beautiful “place” and letting go would have been the EASY choice. Instead, she opened her eyes out of the coma and came back to the living. She said it most certainly took away her fear of death (all of us at the table too began to feel that perhaps death is not a fearful place but a pleasant place). Since that time, I’m no longer afraid to go to the other side.

I am still afraid not to teach Nando all I know before leaving ( he is naive of many things – his purity, innocence and genuine goodness were what attracted me to him to begin with), but since Melba’s description, I believe I will be in Sri Lanka….not the polluted, bustling Sri Lanka of today (where no-one has time to say hello) but the Sri Lanka of my childhood….when it was common to see an elephant cross the road, and the air was clean and pure, canna lilies grew like weeds and in the mountains the air was crisp and cold in the mornings. The nearby waterfalls were clean and one could drink the chilly water. Hopefully, I will also see there my parents and my favourite Aunties and Uncles. Strangely enough, I don’t worry (except to leave her in a financially advantaged position) for our teenage daughter – she is so sharp, focused, self-confident, intelligent, determined and will change the world in every positive sense of the word.  But once I teach Nando all he needs to know to cope with the BIG world, I can let go (mind you, I don't want to, but just saying that the FEAR of dying is gone now).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

HOPE this works - a homemade dog urine repellent....

All my life, I wanted a Bokhara carpet - they are the finest of the finest.  I put aside equivalent of $10 a month from the time I was 7 years old.  SOMEDAY I would buy a "Bokhara" carpet.

FINALLY - fast forward to the year 2009 and I was able to order a "Bokhara" carpet for the dining room.  At the time we had TWO dogs (we now have only one).  Because I was at work when the "pee happened" I never knew which of the two dogs made the accident.  Sadly, in 2010, we had to euthanize the older dog...NOT because he was incontinent (we tolerated that for years) but because he would not eat, was skin and bones and cried most of the time (he was almost 17 yrs. of age and lived a long, good life as an epileplic dog no-one else wanted).

Needless to say - I had to roll up the "Bokhara" and put it in the basement because it was constantly being urinated upon.  My husband felt it was the older dog who was responsible - but I'm not so sure. I took a big chance and put the "Bokhara" back on the floor, but not without reading up on "homemade dog urine repellents" just in case it was Billy actually doing the bad deed.

Found a recipe that seemed easy to follow - 2 teaspoons chili powder, 2 teaspoons vinegar, fill with cool tap water, stir and put into a spray bottle.  SPRAY carpet with same.  So, that is what we did tonight and I will let you all know how it worked out.

Wish us luck!!  

When Parents and Grandparents Refuse to use the "no" word!

"No!!!!!!"  - what's wrong with telling a child or grandchild that "no" word???

We had some visitors recently who brought their 3 grand-daughters....firstly, the hyperactivity amongst them made it seem as if some 20 children had descended upon us.  There is a book by author Maurice Sendak "Where the Wild Things Are" - and trust me, on that particular day....the wild things were in our home.

These grandparents have NEVER told their grandkids "no".  So, while we were showing the grandparents the rest of the house - the grandkids were (according to our daughter and I heard loud screams, giggling and laughter below, so I believe her) were trying to break the arms off two antique chairs, were JUMPING up and down (shoes and all, and we do not wear shoes in our house) on two other pieces of furniture.  One was busily trying to open/shut/open/shut a box on the table to see if she could break the top off.  Another was pulling the roman shade up/down/up/down, another put her lollipop in the drawer of a 200-year old chest.

Our daughter is really great with younger kids and usually can calm kids within minutes but these "Wild Things" stuck out their tongues at her every time she said "No, don't do that".

NO is not such a bad word!!!  For one thing - kids can get HURT if they are not told "No!" now and again.  Secondly - they won't be welcomed at many houses.  The "no" word  does not HURT the child emotionally, physically or in any way to make them dysfunctional for the rest of their lives.  No is as good a word as yes.

Probably, parents today don't want to say the "no" word because they want their children to regard them as their buddies.   But being their BUDDIES isn't a parent's or grandparent's job - your job is to guide them on their way to the REAL world and there will be plenty of "no's" as they grow in life.

Don't be afraid to tell your child or grandchild "no!". 


Friday, April 22, 2011

A TRULY sad story I dislike telling.....

Nepal - former Kingdom in the Himalayas; home to Mt. Everest.....the majority of people there are Hindu.  It is, alas, one of the poorest nations on earth due to more factors than I can list - certainly corruption is one, but terrain, lack of education also contributed.

There is a horrible thing going on in Nepal that all should be aware's been happening since the 1970's.  Each year over 12,000 Nepalese girls (some as young as age 7) are being "sold" to brothels in India or Nepal by their very own parents.  Many times the parents (illiterate) are duped into believing their daughter would be receiving a proper education in India and the ploy is done by such "sophisticated Madames" that the parents have no idea what will really happen to their daughters.  And SOMETIMES, sadly, for the equivalent of U.S. $200 parents in Nepal will knowingly SELL their young daughters to "Madames" who will take them to brothels in Mumbai.

EITHER way - it is a road to HELL for these girls!!!  Sometimes the Madames are coy enough to coax the girl on the bus with a beautiful doll (which is promptly taken away the moment the bus leaves).  Once in Mumbai, these poor girls are thrown into a room where they are deprived meals - sometimes a live cobra is put in the room to SCARE them into conforming.  They have no escape.  Once in your life you must see the film "The Day My God Died" by  Andrew Levine, who has become a friend of mine over the years.  Here is one place you may watch the sad film:

There may be other websites also to watch that film, such as the OFFICIAL one:  Nepalese girls are "requested" often in Indian brothels for their "fairness" of skin.  There are only three ways for such Nepalsese girls to ever LEAVE these brothels - if a rare pastor/human rights advocate helps them escape (that is HIGHLY rare), if they DIE from AIDS, or if they become so sick from AIDS that they are no longer "usable" - in which case they are sent by bus to Kathmandu to their PARENTS who....want NOTHING to do with them (treat them as lepers!).  There is an organization in Kathmandu called "SnegMaya" which accepts the AIDS-stricken (mostly dying) girls returned to Nepal after years of abuse in Indian brothels.  The premise is really sad.  My husband and I have donated lots of clothes there.....sometimes the last "cry" of the dying girl is so PITIFUL - she only wishes she could be dressed in a "fancy dress" (usually the one she dies in).  We donated over 50 such beautiful dresses each visit, sadly, knowing they would be the girls' last dress.

We NEED to do something about SEX TRAFFICKING!!!!  Over 12,000 Nepalese girls are trafficked every year to brothels in India or Nepal and many just die there.  This figure is NOT acceptable!!!

There are (sadly) organizations who are also now opposing the legal adoption of Nepalese children.....some of these children WOULD have been sold by their parents to brothels for a mere $200.  It is a difficult balance - of course, we want to make sure all adoptions of orphans are indeed orphans - but sometimes the biological parents of such children weigh the monetary outcome: Adoption to North American homes or....sending the child to a brothel in India.

It is difficult to believe that such horrible things exist in our day and age!



Getting lost - something we "fear" but not necessarily should.  About 4 years ago we went to a wedding of our best friends' son.  It was up on a bluff in an area that was extremely beautiful, yet had limited signs to know where one should turn or not turn.  We also did not have the GPS coordinates, so we "more or less" followed the directions (with what limited signs there were up in that country area) from the invitation.

The region was so isolated that we couldn't even find a human to ask directions from, so we kept going in the direction we THOUGHT was towards the wedding.

Actually, we were quite lost, and as we turned down a hilly, narrow road that didn't have a sign....a miraculous thing happened.  Just right there in front of our eyes was a Mama Deer (doe) with 2 babies....they had to have been JUST born, as they still had their spots and were "wobbly" on their feet.  The Mama was in front of our car, but she looked at us confidently, knowing we would stop to allow her and her beautiful 2 babies cross the road.  It was just the most awesome sight we had seen in many years.....those cute little babies "wobbling" and trying to keep up with Mama Deer.

Eventually, we found the wedding location and arrived a half-hour late.....but we would not exchange that 1/2 hour for anything as we were beautifully rewarded in getting lost.  So the NEXT time anyone says "Oh, just get LOST!" - thank them and with an OPEN MIND - expect the unexpected.  You never know what you might see while lost!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is what also can happen when HUMANS decide to play God.....

I'd always heard that "ladybugs" (which is what they are called in North America) were supposed to bring one great luck if they landed on you.  So you can imagine my shock when I let one crawl on my hand and....the little brat BIT me!!!  I quickly shook it off my hand and noticed that it was not the normal red colour of a ladybug.  I would do more research.  In fact, these orange-coloured insects were a totally different species known as Asian Female Beetle.  In U.K. they are called Harlequin Ladybirds but they are one and the same as the Asian Female Beetle.  This article seemed to truly do a good explanation of how they were introduced, why....but the sad news is that in North America in Europe they do not have a predator.  In Asia, there were predators that kept them from multiplying to millions and millions.

The Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis), otherwise known as the Multi-Coloured Ladybird or the Halloween Ladybird, was introduced to North America from Asia in 1988, originally for their aphid-eating abilities. It took several attempts to establish a colony there, so this was not accidental, but a deliberate, planned event by the United States Dept of Agriculture that was to have global implications.
This ladybird is now the most common variety found in the whole of the United States.
At a later date the harlequin was introduced to Holland, primarily for aphid control on crops, and from there it migrated across the English Channel and was first spotted in southern England in 2004.
Since then it has spread both north and east, and is now reckoned to be the biggest ecological threat since the introduction of the grey squirrel, another creature without natural predators, which all but wiped out the red squirrel population.

Bigger than any of the 34 indigenous species native to the the British shores, the Harlequin as it is known in Britain because of its varied colours, not only eats voraciously the same food destined for the British ladybirds, it also eats the smaller native ladybirds and their eggs, as well as the eggs and larvae of many other insects, some beneficial and others less so.
Scientists believe that up to 100 species are now at risk because of this incomer, dubbed the most invasive ladybird in the world.
It is also cannibalistic. It will eat other harlequin ladybirds as well as their own eggs if they are hungry. This happens when the aphid and native ladybird populations die down, as is natural at certain times of the year.
They are also attracted to anything sweet, like fruit, and have been responsible for ruining wine harvests by altering the taste of the grapes with their excretions.

Breeding Habits

The harlequin has settled into its new environment exceptionally well.They breed 5 times a year, unlike the native ladybirds which only breed twice a year, and this has massively contributed to their growth and spread.
Unlike British ladybirds, they do not need a cold winter to mature enough to breed.

They Bite

Every autumn they seek out shelter to hibernate, and they are the only variety of ladybird to invade the inside of peoples' houses, where they cause havoc by staining carpets and furniture with their 'reflex bleeding' which is a normal response ladybirds have to a threatened or perceived attack, which smells extremely unpleasant and is difficult to remove.
They also bite, which can be problematic for people who are allergic to their bites.
They have a habit of forming together in their thousands if not millions, especially in a situation where they are warm and cosy.
There are reports of whole streets virtually carpeted with them!
Ladybirds ar a beach in Germany
Ladybirds ar a beach in Germany


Their greatest problem in the UK and Europe, they have no known predators. Birds won't eat them because of the foul-smelling secretions they release. Other insects give them a wide berth.
They are free to breed and continue breeding, and being top of their food chain, they are rapidly outnumbering the local species.
They are antisocial as we have seen; humans do not want them in their houses.
some of the different colours of the harlequin ladybird
some of the different colours of the harlequin ladybird


Over in Asia, where they originally came from, there was no problem with them as obviously they have insects or birds which have been programmed by Mother Nature to keep their numbers under control. Europe and North America obviously lack the same ecological species, but of course introducing something which eats the harlequin would cause problems elsewhere in the food chain, as the natural ecological balance gets upset.

Give the first few minutes of the morning to God......

Read a story of a WWII Veteran whose uncle had written in his Bible (and this doesn't necessarily have to pertain to Christians only - whatever your Holy Book is) "Give the first few minutes in the early morning to God, and He'll take care of you the rest of the day".
During Pearl Harbour attack a bomb with a delayed fuse penetrated the third floor of this soldier's barracks and exploded right over his bunk.  He would not be here today had he not been called away from the barracks.  When he returned, he discovered that everything had been destroyed....except his Bible, which went untouched by harm. 
I really liked this true story - partially because Memorial Day is but a month away, and secondly because I believe what the man's uncle wrote.  So many times we wake up with aches and pains (the older we get) - thinking of all the things we DIDN'T get instead of thanking God for all the things He's given us.  I used to say my prayers at night, but after reading this story I began to say my prayers in the morning, and at night giving Him prayers of thanks.

Karma isn't "destiny".  Karma is what you decide to do with the life God gave you.  You can leave your life's work with nothingness; you can leave golden footprints by helping others...the decision is yours to make.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Once AGAIN - COCONUT OIL to the rescue!!

We've had a really rough winter up north.  Even though Spring is trying to appear, the change of climate had a terrible effect on our lips.....CHAPPED so badly that NOTHING would help.  "Lip Medex" USED to work but we all were walking around like zombies with chapped lips (skin hanging from lips - NOT a pretty sight, I assure you!!).  We tried Vasoline; we tried cold creams, Chapstick.....still we were left with horribly chapped lips.

OK - what does an "old Lanka girl" think to do??  (not that I ever had chapped lips in Sri Lanka due to the humidity).......first thing that comes to mind is "Coconut Oil".

Well - HERE I sit with a "gloss" of coconut oil (and it smells heavenly!!!) - chapped lips CURED.

There were so many "good old recipes" we used in those days in Lanka.....I remember drinking the water rice was cleaned in - heated up it gave one "iron" and fortitude for anemia.  I remember boiling cardamom pods in a pan and drinking the "tea" to cure a cold.  I remember soaking fennel seeds overnight in a teapot then boiling the "fennel tea" for an upset stomach.

My Version of "Cholent".....

Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How did the RICHEST NATION on earth end up this way??

I am not understanding Congress' hope to budget the deficit by cutting back on Medicare and Social Security......but oh, do not mention to them the "Millionaire's Tax" (higher taxes for those making $200,000. or more a year. 

Canada has TWO systems of pensions - one is called "old-age pension" and I forget what the other is called, but it's a backup.  Moreover ALL medical care is covered.  Here we have "Medicare" for Seniors but it only pays 80% of their medical costs.  To even THINK of eradicating Social Security funds in USA is totally cruel to senior citizens who have been giving up percentages of their pay-cheques to pour into their "future retirement system".  Take that away??  What will they live on, weeds mud-bread like North Koreans and Haitians?

We ended up this way because of GREED.  The same ones opposing the "Millionaire's Tax" are the ones making over $200,000. a year (I don't know anyone who makes that much, except many politicians, and I TRY not to KNOW them). 

We are feeling sad that we didn't migrate to Canada when we were younger.  The health care system in USA is broken and it's broken because of greed.  All these health-care COMPANIES  lobby Congress and lobbying can mean many different things, mostly "money in the pockets".  USA will NEVER have a Canadian or British-style health care system because health insurance companies are making too much profits in USA.  Look at all the tallest buildings in each American city - it's an Insurance company.

What SHOULD be happening in this "richest nation on earth" is that everyone living here should be able to sleep without harm and with a meal in their stomach.  If they are in pain, they should be able to see a doctor.

We have "miraculously" money to spend in Iraq, Afghanistan and even helping supply planes & munition for the "no-fly zone" of Libya....but we don't have money to let our children attend Universities for free (and this does happen in MANY countries!)???....and we don't have money to let our Senior citizens have some sort of pension system and health-care system?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.


Recipe is only USD $1.59.....step by step easy to follow instructions. 49 years experience as a gourmet cook. Pay at: Paypal: and please mention WHICH recipe you want.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Netting & Bolting" - who do we humans THINK we are??

So who are we humans to decide which deer must be killed or geese or HOW they die??  We are not God.  I'm very upset by the current "netting and bolting" procedure used on DEER.  Moreover, the procedure is quite cruel and I vehemently object to it.  This is an article about "netting and bolting" for New Jersey, but now Upstate New York is also contemplating this procedure.  Please read and decide for yourselves if you have feelings for sentinent beings:

And here is yet another article about this in the Tompkins County newsletter:

I STILL want to KNOW - who are WE to decide that there should only be 329 deer as opposed to 429 deer? 

These "eradications" come up so often - for deer, for geese, for buffalo, for crows and we humans are supposed to feel so "justified" in this??  Notice the words they use instead of KILL: "manage", "cull" and "control".  Who gave us the justification to play GOD?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Always Back up My Favourites....

Wow!  What an ordeal trying to watch the World Cup Cricket Match (India vs. Sri Lanka) on Saturday!  My NEW "mantra" is "I will not try to watch World Cup Cricket AGAIN!  I will not try to watch World Cup Cricket Again!!"   - why??  because it was VERY evident that I went to a website (to watch cricket) that had a HORRIBLE trojan virus.  I could not believe my EYES - as I was watching, my WHOLE hard drive was MELTING AWAY!!!  2/3 of my programmes and icons were GONE!!!  Vanished

I called my IYOGI team but it was really a bad, bad day to call.  Normally I get right thru, but this was almost a national holiday, so I was on hold an abnormal amount of time.  I could just envision the scenario in India - "Let's draw straws for who has to answer a call during the cricket match!  The one who chooses the shortest straw loses and has to answer the phone!"  Just kidding, have a sense of humour!

ANYWAY - to make a long story even longer......I eventually got a techie to restore my computer to a date I had installed an external hard drive, but that was a mistake on MY part - I should have told him the day AFTER because we had not installed the hard drive until evening.  My system was restored - but ALL my photos, ALL my music (that I had paid for) was GONE.   Made yet another call to IYOGI (by then the match was over and all were answering phones) to change the point of restore.....DID get my Photos back, DID get my Music and all my Documents back......but LOST my favourites.

So, besides backing up My Photos, My Music, My Documents......I would also like to recommend that you back up "My Favourites" - here is a really simple explanation of HOW TO DO IT (wish I had before!!!)

I also recommend installing an external hard-drive - they've come down in price - the one I bought (on sale) was less than $69. and has so much SPACE I could literally back-up my computer and all my neighbours on the street!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes Alphabetically....

Mohatma Mohandas Gandhi was my hero and avatar.  On this website you can find many of his quotes alphabetically:

Sri Vidya.....Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham

There is a special, special spiritual place in Upstate New York called Sri Vidya (Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham).  From the moment one enters, there is the great "presence" of Ma Devi and immediately one recognizes it as a HOLY place.  If you ever participate in or watch the puja, you will see HER all-knowing and Majestic eyes follow the light. 

Here is their website:
If you are so lucky as to go at a time when Haran Aiya or his gracious, spiritual, sweet wife Amma is there - you will be doubly blessed.  Sri Haran Aiya is trying his level best to empower the YOUTH of the temple to take over (take charge and teach their children and their children and so on to keep the faith and traditions going).

There is a GODDESS and She is living in Upstate New York!  If ever you go there, you will know you are HOME.