Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Adventures of "Stout"

Long ago, when my husband and I owned a Bed & Breakfast we had guests who had a HUGE (and I mean HUGE!!!!!) Mastiff named "Stout".  I kid you not, he was the size of a pony, but it was clear he was much loved by his Mum and Dad.  His Mum and Dad were going to a wedding that night and said they would lock "Stout" in their room.

At the time "Stout" got along so well with us all, and with our pets, so I felt badly about the poor guy spending all night up in a room by himself when he could be sharing it with us and our pets.  I insisted "Stout" can stay with us in our part of the house, so he won't be so lonely.  "Are you sure?" they asked.  "Oh sure - he's a sweet boy and I hate to leave him upstairs locked in a room.

So, upon MY insistence, "Stout's" Mum and Dad placed his "bed" in our kitchen.  I should've paid attention to the SIZE of his bed - it was almost as large as a human's twin bed and took up most of the floor.  Still, "Stout" was happy, tail wagging and I thought this was a good and kind move.

WELL - no sooner did Stout's Mum & Dad leave for the wedding when Stout (in MY kitchen) turned to me and began to GROWL.  Obviously, he felt I had something to do with the disappearance of his "parents".  When he began to growl at me....my chicken family (husband, daughter, older dog and 3 cats) abandoned me by running down into the basement and FIRMLY shutting the door behind them.  I was left there  with Stout on my own, except for faithful "Billy" (our small rat terrier, who was determined to protect me to the end, if necessary). 

Wow - what a night!  Every time I entered my own kitchen Stout GROWLED at me as if he would eat me up alive.  I'm not usually afraid of any animal, but he SCARED me!!  I remembered an old saying "do NOT look the growling animal in the eyes!" so I avoided all eye contact as I washed the dishes (listening to his loud and mean-sounding growls all the while) - Billy clung to my feet.

No!  My family would not come out from the basement all night!  I thought "you know, this is ridiculous!  This is MY house and why should I be afraid of that growling dog in MY OWN HOUSE???"   So, I went to my office, ignoring Stout and his huge bed and snarling face.  Billy followed me like glue!  Poor Billy was shaking and shaking, but determined to "protect his Mum". 

I refused to go to the kitchen - let "Stout" stay there and growl all night - see if I care!  Billy still stuck by me, shaking all the while.  Then I heard the HUGE click-clack of Stout's marching in the hall - and a horrible smell (oh yeah, he pooped) and then he came to my office.  Would he EAT me alive?  Would I be able to save my Billy if Stout decided to devour him???  Well, I guess once Stout pooped, he was content with the world and came to me at my chair with a huge SLOBBERING (I swear there were over 2 cups of slobber) on my arm....oh, I guess he had accepted me!

I'll NEVER forget (will forgive!) my family for abandoning me and running to the basement!!  After that occasion, I no longer worried about dogs brought by owners and whom they locked in their room..

SCARY night!!!      

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