Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Computer Tip.....

The black screen of death (not as bad as the BLUE screen of death, by the way!)...but SCARY!!!

Turned my computer on and just got a BLACK screen.  Of course, tried it again, thinking something wasn't pushed in right....SAME BLACK screen of death.....not SAFE MODE - BLACK SCREEN!

Glad to have a full Iyogi team behind me - called them and right away the IT asked if I had a disk or anything else plugged in.  Turned out, I had left a FLASH drive in for months (forgot to take it out).  Took out the flash drive and the computer rebooted as normal.

By the way - I came across "Iyogi" computer techs (based in India and work 24/7) last August when my techie guy was away visiting his first grandchild and I had a TROJAN VIRUS.  Had to do something, so took a chance.  I believe I paid something like $139.99 for a FULL year's service with Iyogi and it has been worth it!!  Their technicians are polite, helpful and FIX the problem almost instantly.  They helped me install an external hard-drive and helped fix a problem where Internet Explorer wouldn't go to certain sites (not only fixed it, but installed Foxfire Mozilla as a back-up).

So, the "BLACK SCREEN of DEATH" could be because of something (flash drive, CD, etc.) in your CPU - I just found out that flash drives CAN absorb malware and viruses....i.e., the virus, or malware will not destroy the data on the flash drive, but the flash drive CAN destroy your computer if infected.

You know, I want to say America and Canada should have our own IT persons....but I truly believe in this Iyogi company (look them up on Forbes 100).  Their toll-free number is 1-800-237-3901 and eventually they will place a "support dock" on your computer - if it's a problem that does not involve Internet connection - you can click 24/7 to chat live with a technician.  Like I said - they are SO polite and so reassuring and they FIX the problem, even on a very OLD piece of DIRT like MY computer!!

Yeah for IYOGI!!!!!


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