Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hindu Mommy....

I take absolutely NO credit for "Hindu Mommy" but it's a website I came across unexpectedly and she's not written anything on her blog since 2007 - there are a lot of great projects for kids to do and keep up their Hindu heritage and I would certainly like to encourage this lady to keep going.  Maybe you could write her and encourage her to keep going.  We need role models (Mums and Dads) of all faiths - Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish who sit down with their kids and DO things: crafts, explaining the significance of each.  Even those who are not religious - certainly, you have a craft or skill to pass along to your children and grand-children (who will pass it along for generations more).

Here's her blogspot:
She has GREAT ideas - let's all try to encourage her to continue her blog (wish I had half her ideas!)

Personally, I got our daughter interested in making papier machĂ© boxes with Hindu pictures.  We've also taught her how to make "diyas" of clay and bake them, decorate them.  We've taught her the practice of making "henna" on the hands (and she's quite good at it). 

We happen to be Hindu, but we also taught her to respect all other great religions.  In fact, she and her 2 Hindu friends are going to a Jewish Purim Carnival on March 19th (they've gone almost 4 years in a row and have thoroughly enjoyed it).  Our dear friend, Richard, once said "we all climb the same mountain to God....does it matter that some climb from the West, some from the East, some from the North and some from the South?"

Om Shanti Shanti - may there be PEACE in this world!!!  May we put aside our "differences" and build up our commonalities.

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