Monday, March 21, 2011

Ear Aches caused by cold or sinus infection.....

Once again, I'm not a doctor, so you can take or leave my helpful hints and always check with your doctor.  There was a time my ears got so clogged that I could not hear.  I tried nebulizer, neti pot (which is good, by the way! my case it wasn't enough) but still clogged.  Finally, I remembered a very old Sri Lankan home two drops coconut oil in the blocked ear.  No, you cannot substitute olive oil for coconut oil - it HAS to be coconut oil. 

Do not EVER shove anything into your ear (or you could puncture your eardrum and become deaf for life) - just GENTLY place 2 drops coconut oil on a cotton swab and place in ear briefly; squeeze the cotton ball, but do not PUSH into the ear.  It is "supposed" to also work for ear wax problems, but I've never had an ear wax problem, so I can't verify that.

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