Thursday, March 17, 2011

Needlepoint PARROT....

I began needlepointing as a small kid.  In those days in Ceylon we used burlap sacks (a rice bag was perfect, and a great way to reuse it as well).  This (and cooking) is my relaxment (as is reading).  This is one I was inspired to do after reading the book and watching the video "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill", which I highly recommend, by the way.  It is a refreshing unexpected jewel.  It's been a long time in my life since a story (and a true one at that!) moved me.  Parrots....there was a period in time when it was legal for pet stores to import them.  Everyone had to run out and get one to be chic-chic!!  But parrots are high maintenance, and some bite.  Many parrots were released by frustrated owners.  However, parrots are not native to San Francisco (Telegraph Hill is in the city of San Francisco), nor are they accustomed to being "wild" in a colder climate.  The book's author, Mark Bittner, also has a blog that is fascinating.

     Actually, if you enlarge the photo, you can obtain the pattern by counting.  Good luck!

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