Tuesday, March 29, 2011


March 29th, 2011:

Please do not disturb me tomorrow for ANY reason!!!  Tomorrow is the WORLD Cricket Cup between India and Pakistan - in our house all clocks have stopped and we will not be answering the phone - all eyes fixed on the game!!!!

March 30th, 2011:

OK - today I got my part of my annual "Cricket FIX" out of my system....until Saturday!  Well played game today between India and Pakistan.  India won by 29 runs, but Pakistan put up a good fight and it was an EXCELLENT game....suspenseful and well-played by all. 

NOW comes the ULTIMATE FINAL World Cup Cricket on Saturday - India vs. Sri Lanka.  This is a tough one for me!!!  Of course I'm leaning heavily on the SL side!!!....but I tell you that Sachin Tendhulkar of India's team is AMAZING to watch as a batsman!!!....and he's no spring chicken, but he's seasoned and thoroughly amazing!!!  

SO - I just say - may the best team win!!!

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