Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Searching ancestry....

Has anyone out there ever tried to do genealogy of the family?  I am trying to do this as a legacy to leave our daughter.  It is not a journey for the weak of heart.  It takes many unexpected twists and turns, sometimes leading to a dead end. 

I remember when I was researching the life and times of Thomas Farr (formerly of England, who established himself in what is present-day Sri Lanka) - it was like a labyrinth with tunnels and funnels - some leading to false promises, some not even remotely related.  Eventually, the puzzle was solved and we were fortunate enough to meet his great-great-grandson, Colin, who lives in Powassen, ONT, Canada.  That was a real treat to meet him and his lovely wife, Carol - even some of their children and grand-children.  We were not expecting the journey to take us to Canada, but glad it did. 

My husband and I were able to take photos of the gravesite of Thomas Farr's first wife (the site is in Bogawantalawa, Sri Lanka), and another friend of ours was able to help Colin obtain his birth certificate from Sri Lanka.

Genealogy (whether your own or another's) can be the most rewarding experience of a lifetime; it can also be surprising from time to time.  Places you were "sure of" may give way to other places.  Surnames you are POSITIVE of may change into another name before your very eyes.

Just be open, prepared for changes in wind, direction.   Also be prepared for a few "tall tales", even in the most unexpected places.


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